Chapter 19: Repelling The Chaos

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ReaderFromWR: Stop giving me so much distress call! I know you are in danger, so let me prepare things! (End the call, and looked at the whole bunch of weapons he has) What kind of weapon is suitable for rough combat? (Picked the Torpedo Hammer, R-9A Arrowhead Keyblade, Thermal Inkzooka, Traitor's Demise, Splattershot of Redemption, Saw and Tear, and Tenta T-Pose) That should do it. (Walked out of his room and to the hospital to see Gary Jeveret on the bed, while Angelina was on the right side of the bed, looking after him) Hey Angelina.

Angelina: H-Hey Reader.

ReaderFromWR: Anything wrong?

Angelina: Just nothing...

Star: Your girlfriend's depressed! Mom was a bit insane! Dad is not responding!

Angelina: Star! Don't say that!

ReaderFromWR: Sis, I understand that, but all these days, the sorcerer is still at large and destroying things. And ruinning everyone's lives.

Angelina: *sigh* These days, I am nothing to the world.

ReaderFromWR: No, you're not, you are something to me, I have seen the recording, I have finally seek our childhood times, we still get to terminate evils. Nothing can stop us.

Angelina: I know, but-

ReaderFromWR: (went to hug Angelina) No buts, my dreams that all villains shall be purged so that the world is in peace. Nothing can disrupt us from peace, so our dreams can be achieved. Vilkains are nothing but threats that they were needed to be cleansed. (Let go of Angelina and gave her something like two pendants, one is red heart shape, while the other is a yellow sun shining down) The red one represents love while the sun represents hope, what ever something is important, don't lose it. (Walks away)

Angelina: (looked at the pendants) T-Thanks....

Star: Ooooh..... She got hugged by her boyfriend and he gave her necklaces.

Angelina: STAR!!!!! (Chased her little sister)

In another hospital.

ReaderFromWR: (looking at Season, with a armless white jacket, looking dull) Garyix, how is she?

Garyix: Her condition is mental, more insane than yours. Where you got insane about the death of Je- (realised saying her name infront of ReaderFromWR will get him pissed) An Inkling girl important to you. More insane.

ReaderFromWR: I doubt so.

Garyix: I hope your girl- Angelina is okay.

ReaderFromWR: Yeah yeah, I get it. Season gave a tramatizing gruesome act on her eldest daughter.

Garyix: I will be working on some injured victims of Sindri. See you. (Walks away)

ReaderFromWR: (walks out of the room)


Mephiles: (sitting on the bench, along with his daughter, Mephilia)

ReaderFromWR: (came into the cell)

Mephiles: What do you want.

ReaderFromWR: Your death.

Mephiles: I am a quitter now.

ReaderFromWR: I still sense the greater darkness in you.

Mephiles: I do not have!

ReaderFromWR: You lie...

Mephiles: I never lie! Energy Spear! (Creates an Energy Spear and about to throw at the red Inkling)

Dreadnought 1: (came out of nowhere and grabbed his arm) You are not going anywhere motherf**ker!

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