Chapter 13: Walyne Taurus, Warrior of Strength

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ReaderFromWR: (looking over the cliff) It's not just us.

Jackie: Not us?

ReaderFromWR: Orks and Eldars, they are having war over there.

Infinite: Say what?

ReaderFromWR: These Orks, lead by Gorgutz, and Eldars, lead by Macha.

Machito: So is the Orks from the first war lead by Gorgutz?

ReaderFromWR: No, lead by Memeskull, a meme obsessed Ork Warboss.

Infinite: I see..........

ReaderFromWR: Jackie, are you saying the Warrior of Strength is in some castle?

Jackie: Yes.

Kurumi: Ara ara. Orks and Eldar are fighting over the Shard of the Flame King.

Flame: Shard of the Flame King?

Kurumi: A rare crystal that compose heat at hundred degree, they head for the crystal like who will win it.

ReaderFromWR: Jeez, a hot rare crystal, I must not let Xenos have the hands of this crystal.

Angelina: Yeah.

Machito: For our Earth!

In Alpha Cancer.

Sindri: Good, Cancer and Gemini, deploy into the surface of Ophiolinus, these heroes will never know what's coming.

CSM Captains: Sir yes sir.

Sindri: Vast, I will claim the Shard of the Flame King for the new Jackal.

Syn Jackal: So, are you replacing Fire Jackal?

Sindri: As of Infinite made truce. I decided to make clones and dopplegangers as a Lieutenant of mine, Xeggy 2.0 is the most trusted Lieutenant, she loves me the most. Blood will spread across the entore multi universe for the Blood God, Khorne.

Syn Jackal: I see.

To ReaderFromWR.


Eldars: FBI OPEN UP!!!!!!!!

Ork Boy 1: FIGHT!!!!!!!! LOTSA CANNONS!!!!!!!!! (Fired a cannon, killing several Eldars)

Coolbowser: They used buttsex with the cannon!

Eldar 1: (driving an Eldar vehicle) WE WON'T LET THOSE F**KERS TAKE THIS LAND!!!!!!!!!

Ork Kaptain: FIRE EVERYTHING!!!!

Ork Boy 2: Sarge, what shall we do?!

Ork Kaptain: DROP ROCK FROM SPACE!!!!!!!!!



Ork Boy 3: TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING!!!!!!!!! (Deployed a device which brings the rocks from space to the surface)

Machito: Is that a million shooting star?

Angelina: I love it.

Infinite: Or a meteor shower?

ReaderFromWR: Worse than that, Gorgutz's nuclear weapon, a device brings rocks from space to the surface, a bioweapon.

SmeshBras123: Okay, what could possibly go wrong?

ReaderFromWR: Also, Eldars have the device which the Wraithknight touches it, they became a bioweapon tornado.

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