Chapter 40: Reunited Reunion

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Auditorium Hall.

ReaderFromWR: As all of you know, we may didn't managed to claim the relics, but we do not need to be restless, some of you likely to have few bloodloss, limb missing, it got worse, some should rest, as for the heroes, we still have to do this for ourselves and our people, if we could possibly succeed, we will restore everything. And not fall.

At the view he was looking at, some certain spots were empty, a few flag signs says "Sorry about that!", "I quit, it's tramatizing!", "We're all gonna die!", "I give up, it's scary..." And some were at the corner cuddling themselves in fear.

Jackal 1: Mister, how do you expect that we can kill most, we only kill 20-25%.

Xeno Wolf 1: Y-Yeah, those Splattershots of Obileration kills some.

Star Child 1: Indeed, some of us just quit.

Guardian 1: That's worse if we never succeed.

Inkling 1: We lost lives, now it's even worse.

ReaderFromWR: (slammed the desk) OH SHUT UP! THAT'S BECAUSE OF INFINITY PINGASES WIELDED BY VILLAINS! THEY USE IT TO SUPPORT ON THE ENTIRE ARMY! *exhale* Oh my Meggi... Give me a shipping break! (Left the hall)

Jackal 2: Jeez, I feel somewhat bad for him.

Xeno Wolf 2: Eh, probably much worse but less worse than the truce.

ReaderFromWR: (sitting on the bench) This is complicated.

Aria: (sat on the same bench beside him) Reader, you okay?

ReaderFromWR: Yes. Indeed. I'm just okay.

Aria: You seems hopeless. Doesn't your friends understand your intentions?

ReaderFromWR: Ever since Jess was killed in the First Incursion of Beta, I've always wanted to kill villains with my hands, I'll rip and tear until it is done.

Aria: I see, why at first about duty before vengeance?

ReaderFromWR: Vengeance is part of Wrath, and corrupts people's mind is limit have been broken. That is why I want to let them cool down before they rage, but instead was met with an unholy truce.

Aria: I get it, but why unholy?

ReaderFromWR: That is my goal, my pride, and my life. They says my sensing is wrong, but they are wrong... I was born with an ability that allow me to sense darkness, I can feel it in my heart, with the core, my sensing is enhanced, so does my Electrokinesis. The core gets me stronger, it increases my stats.

Aria: Is that so?

ReaderFromWR: Yes.

Blood Raven Captain 3: (rushed to ReaderFromWR) My lord, we found two of the enemies, Towa and Mira, they are on an unusual planet called Light White. Located at XAL23 Universe.

ReaderFromWR: Light White... Strange name.

Aria: Much weird names.

ReaderFromWR: Just two?

Blood Raven Captain 3: Yes.

ReaderFromWR: Good, they will not be seeing it coming. (Take his BFG 9000 out)

Kylie: That's not gonna work.

ReaderFromWR: We'll try our best to defeat them.

At the orbit of Light White.

ReaderFromWR: Guys, as for today, we're not going to bring our own races to fight Towa and Mira. We will do this as a tag team, we can take them out. With everything we got.

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