Chapter 21: Age of Pingas

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As the Thunderhawk is flying over cities, a group of Heldrakes flew above the dropship.

Alltynetta: (opens the door and jumped out)

ReaderFromWR: Hey! What are you doing?!

Heldrakes: (fired evrything they had)

Alltynetta: (summons her RelfeX Shield, boucing the projectiles back at the enemies before flying back) What did you say?

ReaderFromWR: Nevermind, take that back.

The Thunderhawk landed in the destination. As the rear door opened, Alltynetta immediately come out.

ReaderFromWR: Alltynetta! Wait!

Alltynetta: (running around meeting person to person)

Brian: Who are you?

Alltynetta: You're Brian Jackson II! (Goes to another person)

M96 Clauds: She seems more excited.

ReaderFromWR: Alltynetta! Halt!!

Deathwind: A green Jackal?

Alltynetta: Deathwind? Sounds like tornado! (Turned to Sapphire, with a curious and confused look) A Jackal looked like me?

Sapphire: Uh.. Hi.

Alltynetta: Same face as me? (Two fingers on her own forehead and to Sapphire forehead)

Deathwind: What is she doing?

ReaderFromWR: Her face looked the same as Sapphire.

Alltynetta: Sister!

Sapphire: What?! No! I'm not!

ReaderFromWR/Deathwind: Wut.....

Alltynetta: I have found my sister!

Sapphire: ......

Crystal: First thing first, the Warrior Spirits have recieved that the Chaos are going to raid Russian Federation, we are going there to fend them off.

Flame: They will not know what is coming.

Rain: Hey Reader.

ReaderFromWR: Yes?

Rain: I just made a weapon. (Draws out a strange looking Splat Charger)

ReaderFromWR: What's this?

Rain: A special kind of Splat Charger, it does act like a Splattershot.

ReaderFromWR: You mean a assult rifle?

Rain: More like it! It is called Peanut Pulse Shooter. (Give the Splat Charger like weapon to ReaderFromWR)

ReaderFromWR: Thanks, how does this function?

Rain: Stronger than Splat Roller and normal Splat Charger.

ReaderFromWR: Okay. But why is it called Peanut Pulse Shooter?

Rain: look at the picture on both side of this weapon.

ReaderFromWR: (looked at the sides of the weapon which have red, black, and green logo face) Oh. Peanut.

Alltynetta: (looked at Saiko's chest)

Saiko: (covered her chest in embarassment) What the heck you want?!

Alltynetta: (magically summons the jacket same as Saiko's) Nice jacket.

Saiko: ......

Alltynetta: (turned to Human Meggy and look at her shorts before summoning it on her lower body level) Like this pants.

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