Chapter 7: ReaderFromWR's Prison Escape

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In Chaos Base.

ReaderFromWR: (awoken from his sleep, he rubbed his eyes, he have torn Hero Jacket Replica, undone pants, and his underwear, it is taken out) Urgh..............

Dark Squid RG9567: (awoken naked, with red liquid all over her body) Morning my love.

ReaderFromWR: ......... Morning...

Dark Squid RG9567: Had fun last night? I do. (Gets up) I hope you feel good when with me.

ReaderFromWR: (flips her off)

Dark Squid RG9567: (sucked his middle finger) I like this.

ReaderFromWR (thoughts): For Meggi's sake! I don't think I can survive here...

CSM 1: Hey! We need you to come to the parade square!

Dark Squid RG9567: Okay. (Left ReaderFromWR alone) I will be back. (Put on her clothes and her Phantom Ruby and left the cell)

ReaderFromWR: (reached his pants and put it on) I had no fun last night but getting raped by a freaking clone!

XAL23 Angelina: Reader, are you still alive?

ReaderFromWR: Angelina from the world XAL23, yes I am, I survived the rape.

XAL23 Angelina: Other Inklings did not survive, they are living in their upset state, I am the one who didn't get.

ReaderFromWR: You are not inflicted by this?

XAL23 Angelina: This prison is a some Slaaneshi thing that my boyfriend talked to me about, I am not the only one not to be raped, a Jackal wizard, a Space Marine thing, a robot cat, an Eldar dude thing, a Gold Guardian, and an Inkling girl.

ReaderFromWR: One Inkling girl?! I thought this is one of the rape victim?!

XAL23 Angelina: No, this one is special, she is immune to water, she is fast, but cannot see without her glasses, she is good at every weapons.

ReaderFromWR: What is her hair colour?

XAL23 Angelina: I don't know, but the other Inklings says her hair is pale pink.

ReaderFromWR: Okay......

XAL23 Angelina: I have been thinking of breaking this prison out, I have a plan.

ReaderFromWR: Okay, tell me.

XAL23 Angelina: Only in breakfast.

In Space Raven.

Infinite: Step 3... (put the Life Up Plant leaf into the ash and water mixture) Step 4, I have to wait 8 hours...

Deathwind: 8 hours till she comes alive.

Infinite: Yeah...

Aria: Reader..... (shed a tear) Will you make it?...

Machito: Jeez, I can't stand it, she's been missing her boyfriend.

Angelina: I missed my brother...

Then a Chaos Replica appeared from a vent.

Chaos Replica: Snoo pingas usual I see.

Viger: *hysterical laugh* I wasn't expecting him to say that.


Chaos Replica: (made a water puddle and it flows to the group)

Infinite: Oh sheet....

Then a Inkling appeared from the vent, opposite the one Chaos Replica come from.

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