Chapter 38: SB123 Desti The Octoling of Devastation

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ReaderFromWR: What an idiot am I, I didn't even realise something was missing....

Rain: That was the worst moment.

Kotumi: *giggles* It was at this moment he knew, he f**ked up.

ReaderFromWR: For God's sake! Can you shut up?!

Kotumi: Saa saa, nah.

ReaderFromWR: For f**k's sake! Why do I have idiot on my side?!

Kotumi: *laugh* You're cute.

ReaderFromWR: Shut up!

Rain: Kotumi, stop angering him at all.

Kotumi: Ara, just for fun.

Wayne: *sigh*

ReaderFromWR: Now, 5 years later, SB123 Desti is able to manipulate time! But two times weaker, we'll be dead if Lilith Desti put herself inside her seal relic, making her even powerful!

Rain: Indeed, worse.

Wayne: How do we fight her?

ReaderFromWR: I don't know.

Kotumi: I've seen her every moves she makes, even I watched her for 5 years later.

ReaderFromWR: How? You were with us.

Kotumi: I see it in present, past, and future with my Seeker Time ability. I have been watching on her without her knowing that she was being watched, 2040 I have been seeing her moves.

ReaderFromWR: Oi! That's cheating!

Kotumi: Nah, it was just seeking how to defeat the foes. And see their moves. You should learn watching my records of those people.

ReaderFromWR: Then you should be the one who can fight them since you saw their moves! I'm going for an easy targets, only easy targets for me.

Kotumi: Ara, SB123 Desti and SB123 SMG3, they are easy for me.

ReaderFromWR: (stood up from his seat) I'll go and fight the lower villains. (Left the room)

Rain: I'll go for the enemies.

Wayne: I'll go for the machines.

The bois left.

Kotumi: So, Ta'Chan, shall we go and get SB123 Desti?

Ta'Chan: Sure, we're just Duo Gals of Destruction.

Kotumi: Yeah.

The two gals left.

Kotumi and Ta'Chan board the Thunderhawk and it took off.

ReaderFromWR: (walks to the other Thunderhawk) Take me to Towa and Mira's location.

The Infinity Pingases hunt still goes on.

Rain: It's been four days since the hunt.

Day by day, soldiers were injured, some were annihilated in battlefield, much to ReaderFromWR's allies concern, he's out of his mind.

Crystal: Reader, snap out of it, the foes were enhanced now.

ReaderFromWR: I can make a better weapon.

Crystal: As if.

Angelina: Splattershots of Obileration only killed 1/3 of the enemy army.

ReaderFromWR: *sigh*

Andersona: More enhanced of Splattershot of Obileration?

ReaderFromWR: Hmm.....

To Kotumi.

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