Chapter 15: Alliance

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In 1995.

Meggy x Reader universe.

In Spletzer residence.

Young MXR Meggy: (sleeping soundly on the bed, with the book on her belly)

MXR Meggy's mother: (watching the show with her husband until they heard some noise in the kitchen) What was that?

MXR Meggy's father: Dunno, I will go and check, it must be some animals again. (Takes the golf club and goes to the kitchen, with some screaming and noise clashing, he ran out)

MXR Meggy's mother: What is that?

MXR Meggy's father: I don't know what the hell is that thing! It looks like a little Octoling, but it have some supernatural superpowers!! It tried to attack me with some swords!

MXR Meggy's mother: Oh my god! A psychopath! We better call the police!

Then a door knock happened.

MXR Meggy's mother: Coming! (Opens the door to see only three girls in revealing mechanical armour) Who are you?

AST Girl 1: We are the Anti-Spirit Team, we have been reported that one in your house is a Veemo Spirit, those Spirits are dangerous to everyone.

AST Girl 2: We came here to eliminate that dangerous thing.

Young MXR Meggy: (woke up and goes to the window to see what's going on)

AST Girl 3: Just you two?

MXR Meggy's mother: No, I have our daugther sleeping on her bed.

AST Girl 2: That Veemo Spirit here, it is ranked A, dangerous to kill a Woomy.

Young MXR Meggy: Veemo Spirit? (See her plushies moving) Huh? (Saw an unusual small Octoling burst out from the pile) Ah! W-Who are you?!

???: A Veemo Spirit, an Efreet.

Young MXR Meggy: I meant your name.

???: Name? I don't have any.

Young MXR Meggy: Oh? Well, if you fon't have, how about I call you Tome.

???: Nah, that name not my cup of tea.

Young MXR Meggy: Hmmmm..... How about Dio.

Dio: (smiles) I like it. Those girls are chasing me.

Young MXR Meggy: Oh?

Dio: They want to kill me and take my crystal, I am escaping them.

Young MXR Meggy: I see, you can go out by the window opposite me. (Goes to the window where the AST are not, opened it) Here you go.

Dio: (leviate out the room) Thanks, buy who are you, Woomy?

Young MXR Meggy: My name is Meggy Spletzer, and my dream is to become a star of all champions!

Dio: *giggle* Meggy Dpletzer, thanks gor escorting me out of this base.

Young MXR Meggy: Base? This is a house, where we, the Inklings lives.

Dio: I see, well, bye. (Flew away)

Yoyng MXR Meggy: Bye.

Back to 2025.

ReaderFromWR: (woken by the alarm clock) Nrrrrrgh....... (used his hand to search the alarm clock, but grabbed something soft, and fluffy too) ???......... (definitely he grabbed a bust)

Coolbowser: Again?!

Sapphire: (woke up)

ReaderFromWR/Sapphire: (saw each other in shock) (offscreen) *scream*

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