Chapter 8: ReaderFromWR x Infinitette

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Infinite: Now, Mephiles, Dark Squid, Mephilia, SB123 Desti, and SB123 SMG3 turned against us, Operation DESTI isn't done until the target is killed. Well, long live Desti... Forgive us if we kill you... That is going to be f**ked up....

Machito: Yeah.

SmeshBras123: We have to stop this and reclaim my Desti and SMG3.

ReaderFromWR: They wouldn't, Sindri can tell.

SmeshBras123: What do you mean by Sindri can tell?!

ReaderFromWR: Unlike Wario-Man brainwashed the reformed villains, Sindri can dereform them, by telling what is their desire.

Infinite: That's dangerous.

ReaderFromWR: But my desire is to kill all villains till they lose existance! I am the only one who can kill them!

Infinite: Reader, no, final decision.

ReaderFromWR: Duh! Your dark path's gone, ripped off.

Infinite: I will spare these enemies and try to convince them to stop the threat, this is the only thing we can do.


Future Infinite: I am the reformed one.

Fire Jackal: Me too!

ReaderFromWR: Grrrr.......

Infinite: We don't want this war, truce is pernemant.

ReaderFromWR: SHUT UP!! (Stomped his feet) SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!

His stomping with his Power Boots caused a shaking.

MXR Mario: Mama mia! Is this earthquake?!

Reddie: No, he is strong combined with his Power Boots can make earthquake, a strong impact.

Machito: Reader! Stop!

ReaderFromWR: I DON'T GIVE!

Reddie: Stop, give him some time. He need to cool down, don't just go any further.

Infinite: Why?

Reddie: He have some medical disorder, even his real life self.

Infinite: Oh.

Reddie: Yeah.

ReaderFromWR: (cooled down) For Meggi's sake. (Left the meeting room)

Infinite: Sindri is going down.

Meggi: Percy, can I have some words with you?

Infinite: Sure.

Meggi: I need to talk to you alone.

Infinite: Okay.

They left the meeting room.

Meggi: Percy, you lost Jackavon, don't you?

Infinite: What are you-

Meggi: Jackavon and Jennica are the energies of vengeance and kindness. Jackavon is revenge and Jennica is kindness, they maintain the balance of the energies. If you add too much vengeance and rage on Jackavon, he will gain control of your body.

Infinite: Sheesh, I am trying to save the-

Meggi: If you add too much kindness and pureness on Jennica, she will likely to be good natured and take over your body for kind nature, if either one, you will be stuck until an allies free their ally, your dark path is completely taken away by the sorcerer, ReaderFromWR have his own path that he will swear to me that he will kill all the villains insight, even they tried to escape.

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