Chapter 42: Training Day 2

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5 P.M.

Gabriel: (opens the door) Time to train!

ReaderFromWR: Nnnnrgh... Five more minutes.

Gabriel: (grabbed his legs and pulled him) Come on, no time to waste.

ReaderFromWR: Oh f**k me...

The heroes are now at the same place they warm up.

ReaderFromWR: This again?! There is no way that we can do 70 sit-up!

Gabriel: Not really, I've shorten it to 40.

ReaderFromWR: 40?

Gabriel: Yes.

ReaderFromWR: This is easy.

ReaderFromWR joined the other heroes in the exercise. Eventually, he had passed alongside the others.

SB123 Mario: My scrotums...

ReaderFromWR: 39... 40... Boi... Much hard plus easy.

Infinite: Medium you mean?

ReaderFromWR: Yes.

Crystal: 40 for all warm ups.

Gabriel: Next will be abseiling.

ReaderFromWR: Oh no... Not my cup of tea...

The heries were on the high grounds of snowy mountains of Frostus Gigantus.

ReaderFromWR: This cold place is pretty big.

Angelina: Yeah...

ReaderFromWR: That's higher than Olympus Mons! I ain't gonna do it!

MXR Tari: Me too...

Gabriel: Don't be a child, you're all adults.

ReaderFromWR: (looked down) Jeez, it's too high...

SB123 Saiko: Pfft, I can do this.

Gabriel: Who ever reaches the low ground will get to the next training, but those who fails get to be stay backed.

ReaderFromWR: F**king hell...

Gabriel: SB123 Tari and SB123 Axol, try to abseil down.

SB123 Axol: Oh yeah, I can do this! (Walks to the cliff and just Naruto run down)

Gabriel: Was that even possible?

SB123 Tari: (near the cliff scared)

ReaderFromWR: Tari, try to face it.

SB123 Tari: Can't...

ReaderFromWR: Tari, imagine there is some pillows, soft floor, and minecraft water at the ground. You'll be safe.

SB123 Tari: Okay...

ReaderFromWR: (walks to SB123 Tari from behind) And then, there will be no harm cometh to you, nothing will break you bone.

SB123 Tari: I feel safely now, this time, I do not need to worry-

ReaderFromWR: (lift his leg and booted SB123 Tari straight towards the snowy soft pile of snow)

SB123 Tari: (falling faster than SB123 Axol) *scream*

SB123 Axol: NANI?!

SB123 Tari: (safely lands on a pile of snow) Oof!

SB123 SMG4: The f**k was that for?!

ReaderFromWR: *snicker* Outsmarting.

SB123 Axol: HOW?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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