Chapter 14: Garyix Pisces, Warrior of Life

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Rain: Jesus Mother fish caking Christ! Walyne, do you even need to bring that crystal into the hotel room?!

Walyne: What? Me and my family need that for power source.

Rain: God dammit! This wandering Planet, KAMUI GAIAMUI have been remodifyed into a mobile base! It does have power source!

Squidrumi: Well, I feel like it here, even our daughter as well.

Rain: God dammit. I need Reader to solve it.

Walyne: But Reader is in the lecture in some place.

Rain: Oh, right, he plan to show some weapons.


The camera shows in a white room with an Inkling appears to be peeping at the audience and a piano in the background, ReaderFromWR stepped in, the Inkling and the piano digitally disappear.

ReaderFromWR: Well, if you are wondering about this hologram projector. Those are made by someone else, it projects anything. You still can interact with the holograms, even you can't touch them.

Angemon 1: Cool....

Wormmon 1: We can interact with anything as hologram?

ReaderFromWR: Yes.

BlackAgumon 1: What's the name of this projector?

ReaderFromWR: This. Biome Accuracy Ray-project False Framing. Aka, B.A.R.F.F.

Coolbowser: WHAT?! BARF?!

Digimons and humans: *snicker*

BlackGatomon q: B.A.R.F.F. *laugh* Such funny shortname. XD

ReaderFromWR: The name was given by me, this prototype is given credits to Squidtin Buckket.

Salamon 1: So, he created this?

ReaderFromWR: Yes. I always make weapons. Powerful weapons to keep the threats away. Who loves Violent Ruler from DariusBurst?

50% of the audience raised their hands.

ReaderFromWR: (take out the Splattershot of Obileration with a Violent Ruler on each side) This Splattershot of Obileration, have the Violent Ruler, you can have these for free.

50% of the audience became delighted when they heard that.

ReaderFromWR: Thank you. The Angelos Industries out. (Walked away)

At the backstage.

Blood Raven 1: Free Splattershot of Obileration with Violent Ruler!

ReaderFromWR: What a day. Just a 6 hour talk about new weapons.

Meiko: (apporached to ReaderFromWR) Reader.

ReaderFromWR: Ah! Mistress Meiko!

Meiko: How are you?

ReaderFromWR: Good.

Meiko: I heard in the news that the sorcerer took over the Earth of SB123 and MXR universe.

ReaderFromWR: Yes.

Meiko: Also, I heard there was a truce between the Hero of the Multiverse and Dark Squid.

ReaderFromWR: What the- How did you-

Meiko: One of ypur Blood Raven told me, you were having a worse situation about the truce.

ReaderFromWR: Yes I am.

Meiko: We know, you weren't happy about this, your life was-

ReaderFromWR: Ruined. Yes. My life was ruined. Thanks to the Hero of the Multiverse, so pathetic...

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