Chapter 5: The True Antagonist

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ReaderFromWR: I'LL END YOU! (Looked down and saw a girl with a top hat looking injured) What? (Flies down) Kid, are you okay?

Hat Kid: ...........

ReaderFromWR: No response... (opens the portal and escort the unconscious girl into KAMUI GAIAMUI before flying up back) Give back Marie. (Clenched his fist)

Infinite: Where is he heading to?

Sindri: (levitated into the dark big tunnel)

ReaderFromWR: What? (Flies into the dark big tunnel)

🎶Invader's Base - Striker 1945 III🎶

ReaderFromWR: Where does this tunnel heads to?

Infinite: (flies into the dark big tunnel) Strange? He flew into the tunnel.

Angelina: (flies into the dark big tunnel) I see Reader and Infinite.

The rest goes into the dark big tunnel.

ReaderFromWR: It's so dark. Where the hell did he go? (See the light at the end of the tunnel) What's at the end here? (Flies faster)

A gothic girl was running fast, faster than the flight of the bird, faster than the hedgehog.

ReaderFromWR: Who's that girl? I kept seeing her...

He rises out of the end of the dark big tunnel.



ReaderFromWR: Rome? (Looked at his phone) A signal of the enemy is in the Colosseum. (Flies into the Colossiem)

Infinite: He is going into the Colossuem? (Flies into the Colossuem)

Angelina: A Colosseum? (Flies inside the arena)

ReaderFromWR: (saw Sindri holding Marie's arm) Let go off her!

Sindri: (let go of Marie)

Marie: (ran to ReaderFromWR and hugged him fearfully)

Aria: Hey! Get off my boyfriend!

Infinite: Strange, he released Marie?

Machito: What are we here for?

Angelina: I don't know.

Splat Master Aqua: Where are we?

Sindri: *laugh* What you are in inside now is the arena of truth.

ReaderFromWR: I don't see this as an arena of truth, but a battle arena.

Sindri: The arena of truth will tell you a long time ago that it's been untold.

ReaderFromWR: Untold?

Sindri: This was the past which is untold until now.

ReaderFromWR: Now, what are you up to.

Sindri: The real truth is here.

A light shines upon Sindri.

ReaderFromWR: Woah, what the?!

Hideous Flame: (holding the spotlight) The show is on.

Sindri: Very untold, now, it is told.

ReaderFromWR: (draws out his Splattershot of Redemption) What do you mean?

Sindri: The truth, the real truth to all of you.

ReaderFromWR: ??

Infinite: What?

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