Chapter 39: Lilith Desti the Perverted Time Goddess

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ReaderFromWR: (holding the device and find the signal that leads in XAL23 Universe) Great, it's in XAL23 world.

Rain: Man... 5 years ago, we have been travelling one place to another, it was a back-breaking experience.

Wayne: Yeah...

Rain: That is worse when you have to move to different locations.

Kotumi: Ara, we burn calories.

Rain/Wayne: OH SHUT UP!

They arrived at the destination. Alpha Cancer is seen floating on the orbit of XAL23 Earth.

ReaderFromWR: They are here now. Guarding the goddess.

SB123 Saiko: Yeah.

MXR Saiko: I get it.

ReaderFromWR: They won't stand a chance trying to kill us all. I've improved weapons and have mechs with us.

The heroes ships approaches towards the Alpha Cancer and the fleet of enemy ships.

SB123 SMG4: I'm scared.

SB123 Tari: This mission may be dangerous.

SB123 Saiko: I'm not comfortable with this task.

MXR Saiko: Me too.

ReaderFromWR: We need to survive the onslaught of these foes.


ReaderFromWR: (looked at Alltynetta) OMG.... (turned to TB Mario, XAL23 Mario, other bakas, and back to looking at the enemies) I'm going to die surrounded by the biggest idiots of the galaxy...

As thd shipsnwere getting closer, the Alpha Cancer suddenly instant transform into a lobster-like machine.

Sindri: You can't have a headstart.

ReaderFromWR: (shows the Reverse UNO Card) I'll have that headstart instead!

Sindri: (pulled out the No Road Sign out) I'll cancel that.

ReaderFromWR: (went off-white, and dropped the card, in shock) H-How....

TB Saiko: God dammit, what's wrong with him? Cards? Road signs? He's right, idiots are everywhere.

The Alpha Cancer fired beam at the Blood Raven ship, Jackal ship, and the Xeno Wolf ship, damaging them.

ReaderFromWR: MY SHIP!

Infinite: That's a very big damage!

Crystal: That's worse than the Midnight World Eater beam!

Sindri: You want more fights? Then die.

The giant enemy warship fired multiple lasers at the heroes.

Sindri: We can do this all days and nights. You will never survive.

ReaderFromWR: God dammit! I wasn't prepared for that!

Sindri: As well you should perish along with your little friends.

ReaderFromWR: Rain, Kotumi, Wayne, Ta'Chan, fire your ship's weapons!

Rain: On it!

Kotumi: Ara.

Wayne: Yes.

Ta'Chan: (sleeping on the command room chair) *snore*

ReaderFromWR: For god's sake Ta'Chan....

Ta'Chan: (wakes up) Mmm....

ReaderFromWR: Ta'Chan, you and the Salamanders fight the enemy army.

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