Chapter 18: Tentonison De Alica, Warrior of Eternity

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7.30 A.M.



SB123 Mario/ReaderFromWR: *snore*

Teletubby Wizard: (appeared thought the entrance of the cave) I'm gonna WHIP somebody's ass! (Looked at sleeping SB123 Mario, and drew out a flaming potion) Time to die! (Threw it at the sleeping italian)

SB123 Mario: (moved in his sleep, refleting the potion back at the wizard) AH!!! Sexy slender Meggy!

Teletubby Wizard: (got hit by the potion and set ablaze) KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........

Coolbowser: Yeah!

SB123 Mario: *sniff* Yummy. (Pounced on the flaming teletubby)

ReaderFromWR: *rage* WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!! Nani?!

SB123 Mario was trying to eat the wizard for no reason.

Teletubby Wizard: (trying to ram his head on the wall to get the fat italian off his head) Get out you bitch! (The glutton was finally off his head)

SB123 Mario: Where am I? Oh hoo hoo hoo! Hello red man!

Teletubby Wizard: You son of a bitch!

ReaderFromWR: Mario! Get your weapons out!

SB123 Mario: (drew out his Golden Thunderstrike Gauntlets) Time to die.

Teletubby Wizard: Sh*t! (Teleported out of the cave as the machine sound can be heard)

ReaderFromWR: What was that machine sound? (Pushed the wooden wall down, only ro be shocked by a severely damaged Golden Capricorn, still functioning, and was attached to some scraps of the large golden warship which was destroyed by collision) Oh no, we are not prepared for this...

Teletubby Wizard: I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU!!!!

Coolbowser: Just no! Rapey teletubby!

ReaderFromWR: Crap...

Damaged System Zodiac Goat-Fish Mecha Mecha
Golden Capricorn MK A
Class: Little Weaker Machina
Abilities: Golden Shatter, Cancerous Gold, Golden Gold
Species: Mech
Age: Mech
Faction: Teletubby
Rank: AAA
1. Teletubby Wizard is the pilot now
2. Just shoot everything, the scraps are weak
3. Nothing can destroy you like this mech

ReaderFromWR: Scraps, that's just fine nothing!

🎶Shudder - Einhänder🎶

Teletubby Wizard: (presses the button and fired Golden Shatter)

ReaderFromWR: (grabbed SB123 Mario and run) Just run!

SB123 Mario: What's a going on here?

ReaderFromWR: Hard to explain!

Teletubby Wizard: Come here!

ReaderFromWR: (ran as fast as he can) HELP! I'M GETTING PURGED!!!

SB123 Mario: Hey, how bout we can turn back and fight.

ReaderFromWR: What?! No! That's way to dangerous!

SB123 Mario: Trust me.

ReaderFromWR: .... (puts him down) For what?

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