-Chapter 2: Meeting Hannibal Lecter-

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"Honey? You okay?" Your mother opened the door in alarm after the terrified cry. Ah, she probably heard your wild sound of pain... You didn't feel like dealing with her hysteric state however - so you decided to lie instead.

"U-Uh, yeah..." You ran a hand through your messed-up hair and faked a calm expression. "I...I just had another nightmare, that's all."

"But babe, you've been having them for a while now, haven't you?" She protested unhappily, sitting on the edge of your bed and facing you head on. "Is something bothering you?"

"Nothing in particular." You continued to lie as you stifled a yawn and stretched, trying to act natural. "Just gotta get ready for my second year of studying psychology."

"Oh that's right," Your mother smiled and let you stand up, "You go back today, don't you?" She checked with interest, wanting to interact with you somehow.

"Mhm. I think the main thing we're studying this year is the human mind and how even calm people can turn violent in the blink of an eye." You explained while you started to get dressed. You only got your shirt on though.

Your mother suddenly gasped in shock. "(Y/n)! H-How on Earth did you get those cuts? A-And your pyjama-covered leg is stained with blood-! W-What's going on-?!" She panicked, stopping you from getting dressed as she knelt down and held your thigh between her hands.

"Oh...uh..." Your voice trailed off and your thoughts turned blank. "I...I'm not sure...?"

"You're not sure...?" She repeated sarcastically, her concerned eyes causing you to release an almost silent sigh as you knew this would happen. You knew she'd freak out.

"Hey, don't sweat it." You waved her worries away and pulled your leg out of her hold, staggering to the bathroom in order to fix-up your injured thigh. "I just need to stop the bleeding and I'll be set. Do you know where the bandages are?" You questioned.

"Second shelf in the cupboard." She spoke in a stressed-out manner, holding her arms while she followed you into the bathroom.

"Mom, I'm fine. Really." You tried your best to get yourself alone - but soon you realised that simply wasn't going to happen.

"At least let me bandage up your leg for you." Your mother begged; growing anxious due to the sight of blood. "It must sting like a real bitch." Her response made you laugh a little, because what she said was true.

"You're not wrong, it does hurt. But we need to hurry up, I have to get dressed and go to uni." You gave in and let your mother clean the wound - bandaging it up afterwards so it wouldn't get infected.

"So...what was your nightmare about...?" She tried to strike up a conversation, but it just made you bite your lip - due to not wanting to talk to her. "Was it something you dream about repeatedly? Or something traumatising?"

You shook your head and stood up, slipping your pyjama bottoms back on before heading back into your bedroom. "No, I was just...in some kind of boiler room. It's no big deal."

Your reply stunned your mother so much so that she stood still in the hallway, her eyes widening into large circles. Her face paled and she was completely silent - obviously not knowing what to say. Eventually, she found her voice. "What did you just say?" She whispered.

"I said I was just in some kind of boiler room. I don't see why that's such a problem, Mom." You casually spoke, switching out your pyjama bottoms for jeggings and stepping into your flats/shoes. Then you brushed your hair and sprayed deodorant under your armpits.

"How do you know about the boiler room, (Y/n)?" Your mother inquired in a lifeless voice, clenching her fists as she swallowed.

"It doesn't matter." You pushed her anxiety to the side, "I'm going to leave now." And with that, you grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder - carrying a few of your books with both hands. "Don't worry so much."

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