I suffered because of you, but thank you

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I've always felt suffocated

I was always filled with pain and fear

She hurt me, but always laughed at me

I couldn't take it anymore

I wanted to leave

But I couldn't

I was to scared to leave

But to add it up I was fear in love

I was only telling myself

"You love her"

"You love her"

But I didn't, I only said that to calm myself

Years all gone to waste

All because of YOUR mistakes

The happiness we had at first

Where did it go?

Why did you drastically change?

I honestly don't know..

"Was it because of something I did?"

"Was I not enough?"

"Did something happen?"

"Did you just fall out of love?"

"Is that why you cheated?"

These were the questions I had for you.

I suffered years with you

I was traumatized

I remember when you forced me to take your first

I didn't want to

But I was too scared to say no

I remember the pain I had when you cheated

I saw you with my two eyes

You just smiled and laughed at me

But in the end I was just your play toy

Did you know how much I suffered?

You obviously didn't

You just used me

You just never cared anymore

I missed the old you

The sweet, kind and caring side of you

But it vanished after some time

1 and a half year filled with happiness and precious moments

The other 1 and a half year were filled with fear, scars, hate, flaws, drama, cheating, and pressure

Hey, Nikki

I forgive you, I do

I also want thank you for hurting me

People may think I'm crazy saying this

But I don't care


Because I don't want to hold grudges of the past

You may have hurt me

You may have made me suffer

You may have traumatized me

But you gave me something

You gave me new feelings

You opened my eyes

Because of your mistakes

Yes, I won't lie

You held me back from ever falling in love again

How long did it take?

It took me 2 years to recover

But between those two years I met someone who helped me so much

Her name is Kim Manoban Jisoo

Yes, you read it right

She is my wife of 4 years

We've been together for 6 years

We are expecting our first baby

It's going to be a girl!

Ugh, she made me fall hard for her

She helped me pick myself up again

She broke down the walls I had built up


Thank you really

I do mean it

Because if you hadn't hurt me I wouldn't of met the love of my life

I wouldn't be having my first baby on it's way

I'm happy I escaped you

I still love you partially, but not the way I did before

Thank you for being a chapter of my life

Our story has ended

Yes, It may have had a sad ending

Which is okay

Not everything has its happy ending

But ever since I met Jisoo

I know I'll finally have my happy ending

I'm going to fight for Jisoo and our baby

Even if it kills me

No matter what in the end

My family will be my happy ending and I thank you for that

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