Painful Truth

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I don't get it, I don't get you.

Why the fuck are you so confusing?

I can't stand it any longer.



You say you love me


You love her too

We've been together for 3 fucking years goddammit

I sacrificed my WHOLE life just for you

My family..

My friends..

My everything..

For what?

Just for you to fall in love with another..

To fall in love with my close friend..

Im Nayeon..

You confessed it to Jennie..

You confessed it to Rosé..

When the fuck were you gonna tell me?

Or were you planning to cheat on me?

Hey Jisoo,

I sacrificed my everything just for you

You told Jennie you didn't know what to do

You told Jennie you didn't know who to choose

Guess what?

Let me tell you something that is the cold painful truth

If you really loved us both and you had to choose

The answer was obvious

If you had really loved me

You wouldn't have fallen in love with Nayeon.

And I was right

You chose her in the end.

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