Movie Night // Harry Holland

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hey my loves

just a quick little a/n before i start

i know, i know

they're annoying

sorry sorry sorry


this is a little one-off chapter of one of God's given angels:

harry holland

hold me while i swoon

so when i wrote the "i prefer harry" chapter

(i believe that's its name)

i clarified that it was a tom fic, even though harry was in the title, then i asked if you'd want a harry fic


because i'm doing one:)

as per the hell ya from @Ilovenewtmore (i believe that was the username, if you're reading this and it's wrong love, do correct me, i'll change it)

i'm so happy i'm doing this



   A chill grew over the house and I sighed, snuggling into Harry way too much for it to not be weird, but to be fair to me, I didn't mean it weirdly, I was just cold. I could sense his smile from above me and he pulled me a little closer, winding his arm around my waist. It was Friday night and that meant it was movie night at the Hollands'. Movie night wasn't always with everyone, and it was never with Nikki or Dom (the movies were 'childish', and not their thing, so they said. The next night, we all watched Fifty Shades), but I always came over on Fridays, and I usually got to choose the movie too. That night, I came over (like usual) and was met with only Harry. Tom was out shooting some movie, Sam was out with a girl he met sometime last week and Paddy was out with friends from his old secondary school. Like usual, Dom and Nikki went out for date night. They always said that having me there made them feel at ease because the boys couldn't be trusted, so it was just me and Harry. He was wearing a dark blue T-shirt and grey sweats, his feet bare, and his arm was around me. I was wearing a hoodie, one of his, actually, and a pair of black leggings because I was cold, and my hair was loose around my shoulders because I never liked tying it up. Tessa was lying across both of our laps, snoring a little, and I'd made Harry watch Teenage Cocktail, a movie I adored. We were both picking at tubs of Ben & Jerry's. Mine was Chocolate Fudge Brownie, his was Mint Choc Chip.

   "Are you stealing my ice-cream?" I asked, pulling away and looking at him through narrowed eyes. He grinned and put the spoon in his mouth.

   "I'm sampling." He answered and I laughed, rolling my eyes and taking some of his. He took my spoon away and I gasped theatrically before trying to snatch it back. He held it away, then raised his eyebrow.

   "Do you even like Mint Choc Chip?"

   "I don't know, that's why I'm trying to take some." I replied.

   "Ask for it." He said, holding the spoon away when I tried to take my spoon again. I balanced my pint against Tessa, then looked at him with puppy eyes.

   "Please, Harry." I blinked at him hopefully, then put my hands up like paws and whined a little like a dog. Tessa's head jerked up and we both laughed at little before he gently guided my spoon toward my mouth. I tried to take it back and he held it away again, then I paused and put my hand down, opening my mouth so he could put it in. I closed my mouth around it and kept careful eye contact while I gently took the spoon with my own hand, skin brushing against his. He breathed out slowly, still watching me while I stole more of his ice-cream.

   "Do you want..." He started quietly. I looked up at him, turning a little and disturbing Tessa. Neither of us seemed to care.


   "Pictures. For your... for your Instagram, you probably need pictures for it..." He said, shaking his head, his curls bouncing, and eased Tessa off his lap to go upstairs. I did the same, my heart in my throat, and followed him up. He was sat on his bed, setting up his camera. I stopped in the doorway. He looked up, then leapt at me, turning me around and standing me by the window. I looked over my shoulder at him and he snapped a few pictures.

   "That's good, that's great, actually. Here, come see." He said, turning the camera around. I walked forward and glanced at it. They looked good, but the hoodie...

   "The hoodie makes it look weird. Hold on." I said, then looked outside. No-one was there, because no-one was ever there, so I sighed and peeled the hoodie off, then did the same with my bra, resting my hands on the window ledge. I didn't hear the camera click and I looked over my shoulder at Harry. He was staring at me open-mouthed.

   "Stop, you're making me feel weird."

   He blushed furiously and looked down, then held up the camera and squinted through the lens. I turned back and tipped my head up, shaking my hair back, and I heard a few clicks before I heard him get up.

   "Sorry, the light, I just need to..." He murmured, then gently put his hands on my waist and tilted me to the right. I moved a little, looking down at his hands on my burning bare skin, and felt his breath on my shoulder. I glanced up at him and he glanced down at me, then he wrapped his arms all the way around my waist and I put mine around his neck and we were pressed together, kissing like the world was going to end...


ew i ended it with an ellipses how old am i eight

this was just one to entertain myself because i'm ill right now and genuinely believe i have tonsilitis

but also i get real worried real fast whenever i'm ill

headache? brain tumor

sore throat? tonsilitis

stomach ache? stomach tumor

cold? pneumonia 

dizziness? just literally dying

throwing up? poisoned

i can go on for d a y s 

much love sweethearts

viv x  

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