Log // Steve Rogers

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3rd Monday of January

I'm only doing this because Buck told me I needed to keep a diary so I could see how little I do outside of missions. I'm not calling it a diary though - it isn't going to get any of my deepest darkest secrets or anything, I'm just logging what I do to prove him wrong. We came back from the mission in New Zealand this morning. Too cold in New York, want to go back. Me and Sam went for a run together (although that's hardly what he was doing) in the afternoon. Picked up a bagel from a stand and a book from the store I keep going past. Real nice in there but the bagel was terrible.

1st Tuesday of February

Buck told me off for only writing once so I'm doing it again. Finished up some paperwork from New Zealand, glad it's done with. Started on the book from last month - it's part of a really famous series, so if it's any good I'll have to go back and get the next one. So far I'm bored but it's been eleven pages, I'll try not to judge too much. The woman who works at the store told me it was a good choice but when I asked if she had read it she snorted - nice kind of laugh, sounds bad but it was infectious and I smiled. She was the one who told me it was famous, so it must be good. Apparently her ex likes the movies and they're still friends, so she watched them to entertain her but she didn't see the appeal. Tony says this is like a book of magic - there is nothing magical about the rubbish I've read so far.

1st Wednesday of February

Stayed up all night and finished the book. Loved it. Even better than everyone says. Went back to the store and found the same woman. She laughed when she saw my purchase and asked if I wanted to buy the rest of them while I was here. I told her I would see how this one went then I got another really bad bagel because I forgot how bad they were. Gave the rest to Nat and she loved it.

2nd Saturday of February

Mission. Didn't go well. My head is all stitched up. Feel like a voodoo doll. Couldn't move but Wanda read that book to me for ten minutes before she got bored and we tried to play charades. She had an unfair advantage because she could make physical movements and knows more about "modern culture" than me. Stark's kid came in and played too. He was better than both of us, but I got a point when he did the book I was reading.

4th Friday of February

Was wandering around to get away from Tony when I bumped into the book shop lady. I offered to buy her a bagel but she said she hated those bagels and we laughed about it. Bought her a hot chocolate and she asked how the reading was coming along. I told her it was good and that I would come back when I had read the last chapter to get the next one. She's actually really nice - she says she lives right above the store and she loves reading, even though for the last few years she never seemed to have the time to do it. This is her dream job, she says. I asked what she did in her spare time and she told me she wrote, so I asked what she did with her friends and she just shrugged and told me she didn't have any. Then she got all flustered and apologised for sounding like a loser. I told her I was her acquaintance at the very least and she blushed.

1st Saturday of March

Buck has looked through these and is now making fun of me. I told him he was being a bitch boy (Peter told me that was a good insult) and he said I should go cry to the book girl. I didn't cry, but I did go see her. She's called Jules. I helped her rearrange the window display and she gave me the third book free for "all your work" so I bought her another hot chocolate and a croissant. She really likes croissants.

2nd Tuesday of April

Another bad mission. Took a while, and then I had a while to heal, then I was writing up my mission report. Buck and Nat went to Central Park without me. Miss the book lady. Would die for one of those really bad bagels. Gonna get a bad bagel.

2nd Friday of April

The most astounding thing happened. I was off my face on painkillers when I got the bagel and I was walking past the shop when Jules saw me. She says (I don't remember anything really) that she was scared that I was on a lot of drugs and the press would go "buck fucking wild" to see America's golden boy high, so she brought me inside. I slept off all the painkillers and woke up in her bed - she was curled up on the armchair by the door to make sure I didn't leave and get more drugs. She told me I should stay with her for a few days to "see how much better life is sober". I told her I wasn't and addict and I was just tired and taking Advil. She wagged her finger and I stayed there until today. Jules is so kind, and so funny, and she read to me for hours everyday. Her voice is so soothing.

3rd Monday of April

Buck made fun of me again.

1st Monday of August

Been a while. Didn't want Buck to make fun of me so he promised he wouldn't anymore. Jules is my girlfriend. Girl. Friend. Girl who is my friend but more than that. MY GIRLFRIEND. I stay at her place a lot and she comes here sometimes, but it unsettles her. Lots of scary people. I told her I would kill her if they even looked at her funny. She kissed me right there in the street. I'm going to ask her to marry me tonight.

1st Tuesday of August

Jules said yes and also yes I could kill Buck if he read this. Buck, if you're reading this, run.

3rd Thursday of October

Jules is both sore and pregnant!!!!!!! We were crying about it this morning (good crying) and I went out to get us celebratory bagels. I think it's a girl and she thinks it's a wizard (she says that in the Hagrid voice every time I ask). We were already looking at houses but now we're looking again with a child in mind. Jules keeps jumping on me to kiss me and every time she does I feel so lucky - that's my WIFE! The bearer of my CHILD! But also I had a bruise on my forehead because we fell into the doorframe.

3rd Sunday of October

Now making Bucky write a diary as revenge for this:)


!!! go drink a fat fucking glass of water right now or i'll cry !!!

real real tired

okay yay reqs please night night !

all love,

viv x

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