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The sun is just about to disappear over the waves, and the warm colors of the sky slowly fade into cool blues and blacks.

"This is going to be beautiful." I say, excited for what awaits us.

Luke nods in agreement, "Yes it will. You want me to go fix a bag of popcorn?"

I look back at the hotel, shaking my head. "You don't need to walk that far. Stay here with me."

"Ugh, you disgusting little love bugs. I'll go get it. Come on, Rikki." Jess says, standing up from the oversized towel we've laid on the beach.

We've returned to the hotel where my parents are at, bringing some cargo along the way—Rikki. I was surprised when I wasn't murdered by my mother when we came back. I would have thought she would have been angry and terrified that I'd vanished, but when I came back she said, "I understand why you did it. I miss my friends, too. That's why we'll be moving back next month." She was also very excited to find that I'd met a boy. I'm thinking that may have lessened that heat of her wrath.

Rikki and Jess leave, and Luke smiles at me, wrapping his arm around me shoulder. "You are...perfect. I've never met someone as passionate for there friends and family or as loving and caring for strangers they meet along the way." His kind words make my eyes tear up and I wrap him to a tight hug. He whispers his next words into me ear, "I know this might seem rushed, but it's the truest thing I've ever felt. Emma, I love you."

My heart flutters at his words. I smile up into his green eyes and repeat the same meaningful words back to him. "I love you, too, Luke."

He pulls me into a kiss. His soft lips meet my own and the rest of the world vanishes. It's just me and Luke, stuck in a timeless world forever. Fireworks begin to go off in the night sky lighting up the world with beautiful reds and blues...or maybe it's just my imagination.

A Change in the Tides (H2O: Just Add Water)Where stories live. Discover now