Chapter Eight: Chris

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"Bruh you cannot be fucking serious Naomi" I said looking at her as she was hanging up the phone. "Chris I swear it's not like that baby. I swear." She said crying. "Man whatever ima go get this plan B and leave it in your mailbox. I'm good on you right now." I walked off. "Chris. Chris!" I heard her say behind me, but by this time it was nothing she could could say to me to make me change my mind. I was so mad, like I had to bounce because I really thought I was gone fuck her up, but I'm not that type of nigga. My best bet was to leave. I'm definitely gone get this plan B though, we don't need any kids with all the shit we got going on.
At the store
"That will be $52" the cashier said. I handed her the money. "Damn a plan B huh?" I heard a familiar voice behind me. I turn around seeing April. "So you just out here giving my dick away to everybody?" She asked. "April I'm not even in the mood for this shit." I responded walking past her. "Nigga I don't care what you in the mood for. Who you fucking?" She asked. "That's none of your business" I said "Like hell it is." She was causing a scene. I grabbed her arm "bruh shut tf up damn" I whispered in her ear. "Chris get off of me. Who tf is it?" She asked again. "Naomi" I responded. "Oh wow your little girlfriend finally let you get some" she laughed. "Well I know she not hitting on half the shit I'm hitting on, so yeah take her that and text me later." She walked off. I ran my hand down my face "wtf have I got myself into" I said out loud.
A week later
I was chilling with April at her crib when someone knocked on the door. "Aye April open the damn door" some nigga said. "Who is that?" I asked her. "Probably Santana." She responded. "Santana?" I asked knowing this can't be the nigga that was calling Naomi. The world can't be this fucking small. "Yeah that's Sa dad. Let me see what he want." She said getting up. "What Tana?" She asked him. "Where tf is Sa?" He asked. "She upstairs why you come over here tripping?" She asked him. "Don't worry about what I'm doing. This that nigga Chris?" He asked looking at me. "How this nigga know me April?" I asked her. "Both of y'all chill, don't nobody got time for that." She said looking between us. "Sa is upstairs, her bag already packed, just go get her and leave" she told him. "Nigga Naomi ain't enough for you? You fucking my baby moms too." He said to me. Now I'm pissed because this is that nigga. "Wtf you say about my girl?" I asked him stepping to his face. He laughed, "You might wanna pipe yo little ass down" "Nah don't speak on her bruh." I said "Why you even over here if you still gone be worried about who talking to her? And nigga tf you mean your girl?" April asked me. "Oh he told you they was done huh?" Santana said laughing "Yeah let me get my child, I'm out." He said leaving up the steps and then out the door.

"Get out Chris I don't have time for this shit." April said to me. At this point I'm done doing this shit with everybody, so I just left.
"Hey" Naomi said through the phone. "Wassup, wyd?" I asked her. "Not much, so we talking now?" She asked. "I'm still pissed at you, but we need to talk." I told her. I might as well talk to her before one of them do. "Okay you want to come over or what?" She said. "Yeah I'll be there in a few." I hung up the phone.

We were sitting in my car because her dad was back so I wasn't going in. "Aii so ima be real because I know this gone get back to you..." I ran my hand down my face "I had sex with someone when I was in Miami" I said to her. She didn't say anything. "Naomi," I started to say "You cannot be fucking serious Chris?! You did all that over Santana CALLING ME & you fucked somebody else?!" She yelled. "I know ma, hear me out. I was really fucked up and I haven't had sex in 2 years. It's not like I planned to do this" I had to lie a little bit. "It doesn't fucking matter Chris" she was crying now "you really cheated on me" she swung on me hitting me in my jaw. "Bruh Naomi don't put your hands on me" I said getting mad. She hit me again this time causing me to react I smacked her. "Omg!" She said shocked. I never hit her before I can't believe I did that shit. "Naomi baby I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean to man." I told her. She was crying again. "Naomi stop crying I'm sorry. I'll never hit you again." I pleaded with her "it was a reflex" I said she just looked at me with so much hate in her eyes. I knew it was over for me. She just got out the car and didn't say anything. I decided to pull off just in case she was gone tell her dad. "Fuck fuck fuck" I yelled hitting my steering wheel repeatedly. My life was falling into shit. My summer cannot really be starting like this. I done lost my girl probably and April want nothing to do with me. The worse part is Naomi still don't know that it was Santana baby moms.

Me: Baby I'm sorry, I swear. Just text me back

It had been 2 hours since I texted her & she hasn't responded. I know she done now. At this point there's nothing I can do. I just pulled my weed and backwoods out the glove compartment and decided to get high.

Naomi Bailey: You can't trust a single soul in this world man.

Damn she didn't even have to post that. Everybody don't need to be in our business. Now everybody commenting asking if she straight. My phone started ringing I look to see who it is and of course it was April. With all the shit going on right now I'm not sure if I even want to answer. "Yo" I said into the speaker. "Hey I'm sorry for telling you to leave earlier I was just mad" she said. "What you want though?" I asked clearly not the mood. "For you to come over so I can make it up to you" She said. "Oh really?" I asked. "Yes daddy, I'm waiting on you" she hung up. Damn now I gotta figure out if ima go over here and bust her down or just let this shit ride out. By this time I got enough shit going on.
After about an hour of sitting by myself smoking another blunt, I decided to take a shower and head over to April's crib. What a better way to clear my mind than in some pussy.

That's all for Chris's chapter. What you think? Can you believe he hit Naomi?!

The nigga really went over April house after all the shit he went through in one day.

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