Chapter Thirty: April

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I was dropping Sa off to her dads house since I was going to a retreat in Florida for a little while to help me deal with what happened to me over the summer. I had been avoiding it for long enough, but I wasn't okay. I was treating my baby different and all, so I knew I needed to go get help. "Mommy can I come with you?" Sa asked me. "Not this time love bug. Mommy has to go away for a little bit to get better" I told her. It hurt my feelings because I look up in the mirror seeing her sad face. "Mommy won't be gone long. You're going to have fun with daddy, ok?" I told her. "Okay mommy. You gonna call me?" She asked me. "As much as I can" I told her. We pulled up to his house.

Me: We're outside
Santana: Aii

"Hey baby girl!" Santana said to Sa. "Hey daddy!" She said smiling. "Wassup April? I hope everything goes good for you. How long you going to be gone again?" He asked me. "About a month" I told him. "Okay well call her whenever you need to talk to her. Give mommy a big hug and kiss" he told Sa. "I love you mommy" she said. "I love you more baby girl"
I pulled up to the retreat after my flight, it was really nice. I wouldn't mind being here for a month, as long as they don't make us do bullshit group interventions. "Hi there ma'am! Check in is to your left" a tall white man told me. "Thanks" I said smiling. "Hey I'm April Brooks. I need to check in" I told the light skin girl at the desk. "Okay not a problem April. How are you today?" She asked me smiling. "I'm fine." "That's good. Your room is on the 3rd floor, 356" she told me. "Preciate that" I grabbed my key and walked off. There was a game room, tv lounge, a kitchen with a few food vendors in there. It was dope for a healing retreat.
I get up to my room, unlock the door and see another lady in there already. "Oh what's up" she said. "I didn't know we had roommates. Hey" I responded. "Yeah I didn't either until I came in and saw the extra bed. But I'm Clo" she said extending her hand for me to shake. "April" "Nice to meet you April. You dont have to be like that, I don't bite." She said laughing. "I hope not because I'm not with that" I simply said. "Damn you really need this retreat huh? Loosen up ma" she said to me. "If I didn't I wouldn't be here, but I'm good. I just don't know you." I responded. "I respect it. Well you can get to know me. A month is pretty long to be stuck up towards each other." I looked at her with a look like excuse me? "I'm not stuck up." I told her. "Good to know. Well I'll let you get settled in." She said walking out the door.

She was actually cute, but she was rubbing me wrong already. I decided to go outside to the pool to relax before the first orientation class.

Liked by @Ashbashh and 870 others @Apriiil: Might as well still look good, even if I don't feel that way

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Liked by @Ashbashh and 870 others
@Apriiil: Might as well still look good, even if I don't feel that way.
@Jefe_Tana: You gone be good, don't stress it. Now get off Instagram.

Santana swear he run something. Like why you even worried about what I'm doing anyway? I low key was missing home already. Sa probably living her best life without me. "You tanning?" I look up to see Clo. "Damn you stalking me now?" I asked her. "Nah shawty. Just came to let you know our first class start in 5 minutes didn't want you to be late" she said walking away. "You look good though". She was funny because girl don't worry about me.
Once we got in the group everyone was talking about why they were there for their emotional healing. "I'll go next" Clo said. "So I was actually abused by my ex. He broke my leg and my arm. He was very overprotective and eventually I got distant, so when he noticed that he beat on me. At first it was just a slap here and there, then everything got worse" she said. Everyone was shaking their hands in disbelief. I was just thinking like the first time she should've left, but ima keep my mouth closed. "Why didn't you leave the first time he hit you?" Someone asked her. "Wait a minute you guys we aren't here to judge" the instructor stated. "Nah it's okay. I tried, but he found me every time. I finally decided enough running, he has to go away, so I reported him after he broke my arm and he's been in jail ever since. That was a year ago" she said. I felt for her, abuse isn't necessary and it sure does hurt you mentally. "Does anyone else want to share? April?" The instructor asked. "No I'm fine." I told her. "Okay well that's all for today. Everyone be sure to write in your journals and remember the reason we are here to get through our pain" she said dismissing us.
Later that night
"How come you didn't want to share?" Clo asked me. "I don't have to be as open as everyone here if I don't want to Clo" I told her. "I mean yeah, but why did you come if you don't plan on taking on the whole experience?" She asked me. She kind of made me think a little. "You like to be right all the time huh?" I asked her. "I wouldn't say right, I'm just saying I want you to get the whole experience ma" "why you keep calling me ma like I'm your girl or something?" I asked her. "If it was bothering you just say that" she said walking towards the bathroom. She was short, but her skin was a cocoa color, she had long black hair and a lot of tattoos. Was it weird that she made me curious because I thought she was gay and here she is here because of her ex.
When she got out the shower I couldn't help but to watch her. "Dang you just going to stare at me?" She asked laughing. "I mean you could've put your lotion on in the bathroom." I responded. "You acting like I'm naked I have on clothes" she laughed. "So why can't I look then?" I asked her. "You can" she smiled. "Look at you flirting. So what you bisexual or something?" I asked her. "Now look who's getting into someone's business, but yeah you can say that." She shrugged. "I was just curious. Not trying to be in your business." I told her. "You going to tell me why you're here?" She asked me. "Nah not tonight, good night" I laid down and fell right to sleep.

"Hey boo, how are you?" I asked Sa. She called me this morning to check on me, so she says. "I'm good mommy. I got a new toy" she told me. "Oh really! What you did you get?" I asked her. "Daddy and Nomi got me a small bounce house" she said excitedly. "Whaaaat? It's like Christmas all over again huh baby girl?" I laughed knowing she was very excited. "Did you tell them thank you?" I asked her. "Yes mommy!! I can't wait for you to see it." She said. "I'll be home soon love. Mommy loves you." "I love you mommy" she said before giving the phone back to Santana. "Aye how you holding up?" He asked me. "I'm good I guess" I told him. "Make sure you doing what you have to do to get what you need out of the retreat April. I know how you get" he said. "Whatever that means, but dang ok ok I will. Kiss Sa for me, I have to go" I hung up the phone.
Day 2: In group
"Who wants to start us off today?" The instructor asked. Clo looked at me and I just looked away why did she want me to go so bad? Another person decided to go giving me time to decide what I want to do. I could hear Santana's voice in the back of my head too "I know how you get" he swear he know me. "I'll go next." I said after the man finished. "I was attacked in my home by some teenagers, they shot me twice and almost paralyzed me. I've been closed off towards my daughter and family ever since and I don't want to be like that towards her." I told them. "I came here so I can gain my confidence in myself back. To love myself again, so I can love my daughter in every way she deserves" I told them. I almost started crying because it was the first time I actually said these things out loud, it felt good to get that off my chest.
On the way to lunch Clo came up behind me "Aye I respect you for being able to open up today. I'm glad you're doing what you need to do." "Thank you Clo, it actually felt good. Thanks for pushing me to get the full experience" I told her smiling. "No issue ma, I mean April my fault" she said laughing. "You want to eat lunch with me?" I asked her. "I was going to anyway" she said smiling. I know damn well she not flirting with me. I never been with a woman or even thought about it, but she gave me this weird feeling that I couldn't quite put my finger on just yet.
Week 2: Trusting again
Clo convinced me to sign up for this trusting again course. We had got through all the mandatory classes, now everything was up to us to pick and choose. We had to take 2 courses a day, but they were picked by us. Today I decided to take this one and "Gain from your pain" I was curious as to how much that one might help me. In the trusting again course we had to get a partner and do the lame ass fall into your partners arms "game", I always hated this because I don't know these people, I can't trust them to catch me. "You can trust me" Clo said laughing. "Idk why I let you convince me to take this bullshit" I responded. "Loosen up ma, you gone be straight" she said seriously. She was growing on me, we had talked a lot more when we would go in our room at night. She was cool people. "Yeah yeah, okay"

That night we decided to go to the pool instead
Of going straight in our room. We were playing around in the pool, joking and shit. Next thing I know Clo was rubbing my leg. "Um, why you touching me?" I asked her. "You don't want me to touch you April?" She asked me. "Now I'm April? Lmaoo you weird bruh" I told her. "But yet you ain't answer the question." She said moving from my thigh to my ass. "Girl get off of me" I said laughing. I wasn't dealing with her shit. "Aii ima leave you alone, but just know the offer is on the table." She said. "What offer?" I looked at her curious. "I'm just trying to see what you taste like, but I'm not gone press you" she said. I was just looking at her while she put her hair in a bun and swam to the other side of the pool. At this point I didn't know if I was turned on or what. We all know I love sex, so now she got me curious. I wasn't gone let her try me in the pool though, I'm sure it's cameras everywhere out here. I just got out the pool and went in the room, I'm sure she wouldn't be too far behind me.

"Oh so you wasn't trying to be on no fun shit in the pool huh?" She asked me when she got in the room. "You trying to get us kicked out?" I asked her. "Nah, But you could've just said that instead of acting like you don't want me to touch you." She said moving over to my bed. "I mean I didn't at first, but you made it sound good" I laughed. "I know you not gay April, but that don't mean you can't let me eat your pussy" she said moving in between my legs. "At least let me shower first" I told her. "I can just eat it in the shower ma, no worries"

After we had got out the shower I was all fucked up in the head. Clo gave me better head than any nigga I had ever been with, now what am I supposed to do? I guess I'll enjoy her while I'm here. When I was about to go to sleep, I felt her separate my legs again ready to eat some more. I just let her, she liked doing it and I loved receiving it. This is going to be an interesting part of my trip.


Y'all think she'll fuck with her outside of the retreat?

Do y'all think this will cloud the main reason April is even on the retreat in the first place?

Sorry for any mistakes 💚

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