Chapter Twelve: April

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It was 2 days after Chris took me to the clinic. I honestly was so disappointed that would even make me get an abortion, but I wasn't trying to be a single parent anyway, so whatever. We hadn't talked since he dropped me off at home. He didn't even bother to check on me to be sure I was good. I can't believe I even fucked with him. I was only doing it because I knew I couldn't get back with Santana since we agreed to coparent. It was my idea, but I knew he wouldn't go back on that. I hurt him when Sa was born, he wanted us to be a family and shit, but I didn't want Sa to be around him if he was gone still live that street lifestyle. Now I let Sa go with him 3 days out the week because she's getting older and he isn't technically on the streets anymore. He practically ran them, so it was less dangerous. Ima always love Tana and he know wassup.

I was home alone since I asked Santana to get Sa so I could rest. I was laying in the bed thinking about my last few weeks and how it's been a mess. To be honest I was pissed because this Naomi bitch was really fucking up my shit, with Chris and Santana. I don't even understand why they want her little scary ass. What kind of girl wait 2 years to give her man some ass? She was weird. I decided to call my home girl Ash over since I was bored. "Bitch What you doing?" I asked her as she answered the FaceTime. "Nothing boo, what's up?" She asked. "Come over we gotta catch up anyways." I told her. "Bet. I'm on the way" she hung up. Ash was a ghetto little bitch, but I loved her lol. We had met through Santana, they always said they grew up together or whatever.

"Hey bitchhhh" Ash said when she walked in the house

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"Hey bitchhhh" Ash said when she walked in the house. "Hey girl! I missed yo ghetto ass" I told her. "I missed you too, what's been up?" She asked. "Girl so much been going on, where do I even start?" I said "Aii so you wanna here Tana tea or other tea?" I asked. "Let's go other tea then Tana" She said. "Girl I was fucking with this young boy," she side eyes me. "Bitch please you know you like them young too" We laughed. "Anyways he 18 and it was fun and shit. He could lay some dick down foreal." I said reminiscing. "Lmao bitch come back" she laughed. "Girl it was good, but we was fucking with each other for like a month or two nothing to serious. I had met him out in Miami last month. We had fucked or whatever and I just found out I was pregnant a few days ago." I told her. "Was?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah this nigga practically begged me to get an abortion" I said and I just did it since he young. "Bitch no you didn't let him off the hook like that. Ain't no way." "Ash what you want me to be a single mother again?" I asked her. "Well it wouldn't be again if you already are one" she said. "Bitch shut up. Anyways he told me he had to fall back because he was still in love with his weird ass ex" I finished the story. "That's what you get for messing with his young ass. You know they never know what they want" she said. "Ash you here for support or to be judgmental?" I asked her. "My bad my bad. Go head" she said. "Aii so it gets crazier. When I told him I was pregnant, bitch he choked me. I was shocked because he had never been abusive before. It caught me off guard." I said "Damnnn. You tell Tana?" She asked "Girl no, but let me tell you why. Santana fucking with his ex." I gave her a look. "Bitch the young nigga ex? You joking." She said. "Not at all. I didn't know Chris had a girlfriend until after Miami and by that time it was already a done deal so I just kept fucking with him. Then one day I saw her liking Tana pictures and bitch I almost lost my shit." I told her. "She 18 too?" She asked me. "Nah she 17." I told her. "Wait Tana messing with a girl who not even legal? Is he crazy?" She asked. "Girlllll all this time I was so caught up in Chris I didn't think of that." "But now I don't have Chris or Tana & she got them both." I finished the story. "Sus, that's a lot. I can't believe you got an abortion and you just now telling me." She said laying beside me. We talked for a few more hours then took a nap.

2 hours later...
"Aight Pooh let me know if you need anything" Ash told me while walking out the door. "Alright boo, thanks for coming" i said I went upstairs to take a shower, I really hadn't thought about Santana messing with this little girl. She was fucking up everybody life at this point. I know Chris didn't tell her I was pregnant.

Instagram DMs:
@Apriiil to @NaomiLooks: I bet ya boy Chris didn't tell you I'm having his baby. Now both "your men" are fathers of MY KIDS 😂
@NaomiLooks to @Apriiil: You weird for even messaging me that.
@Apriiil to @NaomiLooks: Lol when Santana get tired of that little girl pussy he'll be back, so don't get comfortable.
@NaomiLooks to @Apriiil: Good luck on your baby idiot 😂

I knew I was being childish for messaging her that especially since I wasn't pregnant, but I just want her to know she can't get rid of me that easily. Chris and Santana got ties with me now. Even if I didn't get rid of the baby.

This was a filler chapter tbh.

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