Chapter Thirty-One: Chris

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2 days before Valentine's Day
"What you want to do this weekend?" I asked Kaylee. "Surprise me" She said. "You haven't been surprised enough?" I asked her. "Damn what's so hard about you surprising me Chris?" She asked. "Nothing I would just prefer you to tell me what you'd like to do." I told her. "Wow... well I'll let you know I guess. Let me think." She said. "Okay cool" I replied before hanging up.
I already knew what I was doing for her, but I wanted her to think I didn't plan anything. Kaylee should know me well enough by now to know I stay ready with the plans. She used to them average niggas, but it's been nothing but good vibes & laughs since we met.

Blake: Chris you tryna go to a party tonight?
Me: Shit, might as well. I haven't been to one in a while.
Blake: Word, ill hit you later then.
Me: 10/4

"Chris!" My mom yelled from downstairs. "Dang ma why you yelling? What's up?" I asked her. "What is this?" She showed me a baby shower themed invitation. I forgot to tell my mom her "precious Naomi" was pregnant. "Oh I forgot to tell you, my fault ma. Yeah she pregnant." I told her. "What the fuck? Not my precious Naomi" she said pouting. "You're so dramatic clearly she isn't that precious. She's having twins too" I told her. "Oh my! That poor baby! Do you know who the dad is?" She asked me. "Some punk ass nigga" I told her. "Watch your mouth when you're talking to me Christian!" She said side eyeing me. "Yes ma'am, I'm sorry. But I'm not going, so you can throw that away" I told her. "It wasn't addressed to you. It was addressed to me and then your name is in the inside" she told me. "Okay, well go then." I told her walking away. "Don't act like you're so mad when it's your fault you guys aren't together." She said. "How do you even know this?" I asked her. "People talk son and you have your dads temper." She responded. "Well it is what it is and I don't care because I'm with Kaylee" I told her. "I'm telling you now be careful with that girl. That's all ima say" she walked away.

I go upstairs to my room wondering why Naomi would invite my mom to her shower and why my mom would want to go. I was also curious as to why my mom thought I should be careful with Kaylee, she barely knows her. That's a thought for another day. Im trying to debate if I want to go get a new fit for the party or wear something I already have.

Me: what's up boo? Wanna go to the mall with me to get a fit for tonight?
Kay💙: where you going?
Me: a party with Blake.
Kay💙: oh a party huh? And you want a new fit? Interesting.
Me: chill ma. It's on some chill shit.
Kay💙: I hear you. Yeah I'll come with you if you want me to.
Me: I'll be there in 20 minutes

When we got to the mall I went in a couple stores to grab some stuff. "You want anything?" I asked Kay when we got in F21. "Can I get some leggings?" She asked me. "You trying to show off that little ass?" I asked her laughing. "You like it nigga. Shut up" she said laughing. She grabbed a couple pair of leggings and some T-shirt's and we left. "Thanks babe. I thought about what I want to do this weekend." "Word what you want to do?" I asked her. "We can go eat somewhere nice, bowling and then end the night with ice cream" She said. "Damn that's it Kay? That's simple." I asked her. "Idk what else to do, so yeah that's all I want. As long as I'm with you I never care what we do" she told me. "You're so soft" I told her. "Whatever Chris. Why didn't you ask me if you could go to the party?" She asked. "Excuse me?" I said "why would I ask you if I can go to a party?" I asked her. "Wouldn't you want me to ask you?" She said. "Na, you grown and so am I. You don't trust me?" I asked her. "I trust you, I don't trust these females." "Ain't nobody worried about them girl, just chill." I told her. We pull up in front of her house, she gave me a kiss and got out. "Text me later" I told her. She nodded her head and closed the door.
At the party
"Damn nigga it's thick as fuck in here" I told Blake. "Aye I swear my nigga" he said laughing. We were drunk asf. This party was definitely lit. I haven't even paid attention to my phone all night. I know Kay probably been blowing me up.

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