Chapter Twenty-One: Santana

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A month later...
"Saniyah come here" I said from the living room. Baby girl birthday was tomorrow and we decided to throw her a small pool party and sleepover at my crib. "Yes daddy" She asked me. "Your mommy is on the way to take you to get your hair done, put your shoes on" I told her. "Okay!" She ran to get her shoes. April recently started walking about 2 weeks ago, I was glad she wasn't paralyzed because that shit was going to be hard. I still haven't found out who sent them niggas to her house, but I wasn't going to stop until I did. Naomi came from upstairs "babe we need to go get the snacks for the sleepover" she told me. "Na we have all the snacks" I reminded her "No we have the food for the pool party, we need snacks for the sleepover" she said again. "Okay ma. How are you feeling?" I asked her rubbing her belly. "I'm exhausted. School has been kicking my ass and this morning sickness is blowing me" she said. "It'll all be worth it boo" I told her.
*knock knock*
Naomi opened the door, "Hey April. How are you feeling?" She asked her. They weren't on good terms, but Naomi had been keeping it cordial for Sa's sake. Which I appreciated it. "I'm fine. Thanks. Is Sa ready?" She asked me. "She should be, hold up" I got up to go see what she was doing. "Sa what you doing baby girl?" I asked her. "Daddy I don't really want to go with mommy." She said poking her lip out. "Why not Sa? She's taking you to get your hair done. You love getting your hair done." I reminded her. "Mommy's mean" she said. "Mommy is not being mean to you Sa. She's just sad right now." I tried to explain to her without saying too much.
I know April had been having trouble adjusting to learning how to walk again and stuff, but she was progressing a lot faster than they thought. She uses a cane from time to time to help her out with her balance. "I want you to be good for your mommy okay Saniyah?" I told her. "Okay daddy. I will" I picked her up to take her to the car. "Where's April?" I asked Naomi. "She went to the car with Ashley, she said her leg was hurting her." She told me. "Aii ima be right back" I walked out the door with Sa on one arm and her bag on the other. "You good?" I asked April. "Yeah just in pain. Ima let Ash take her to the salon. She's going to take me home, so I can rest." She told me. "Okay take it easy and let me know if you need anything" I told her. I had been trying to do as much as I could for her while she was getting back to herself. Sa has been staying with me and I know that was hard for April because if she was nothing else, she was a good ass mom.
"Damn babe, you don't think that's enough for some toddlers?" I asked Naomi while we were picking up the snacks. "Not all of them are for the kids T" she said laughing. "Oh my bad you craving snacks like that ma?" I asked her. She just looked at me and rolled her eyes. She still wasn't showing, but her cravings had been crazy since we found out. "I can't believe I'm about to have all these kids in my house they better not fuck up anything" I said "They're 2 and 3 years old T. Don't expect anything less" she laughed. We checked out and headed back to the crib. I always wanted to say let's go home, but she was adamant about not moving in with me. I didn't see why she wouldn't, but I'll let her slide for now.
Next day
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Sa, happy birthday to you" we sang in unison while Saniyah was just smiling and dancing along to the words. I couldn't believe my baby was 3 already. It seemed like April had just had her. "Make a wish Sa" April told her. "I wish for a pony" she said out loud. I whispered in her ear "you're supposed to keep it a secret. Do it again" I lit the candles again. This time she whispered her wish to herself, she asked for a pony again, but it was worth the shot.
The party was coming to an end, so me and Na were getting Sa's bedroom ready for the sleepover. "Can you believe we'll be doing this for our baby one day?" Naomi asked me. "Right. Sa is going to be a good big sister." I told her. "She is. She's sweet. I'm so anxious to find out what we're having." She said smiling. "A few more months ma. I want another little girl" I told her. "I just want a healthy baby for now. I'm sure after tonight I'll know what I want." She said laughing. It was 3 girls and 2 little boys staying for the sleepover. They were all Sa's cousins. "Either way you're going to be a great mom" I told her. "Thanks babe, what makes you so sure?" She asked me. "You're already a nurturing spirit. I see how loving you've been with Sa, I know it's not easy with her being with me full time, but you've never complained. You are a real one for real ma" I told her. "Awe babe, you're going to make me cry" she said. "You soft, don't cry" I told her laughing. "Whatever T" she said pushing my arm. "Well aren't y'all cute" I heard April say behind us. "You about to leave? & you know you shouldn't have came up the steps by yourself." I told her. "Yeah I am and I'm good Tana. Just chill." She said. "Okay well be careful. Who's staying with you tonight?" I asked her. "By this time idk why you're still asking. Ashley is." She said. "I'm just making sure you aren't in there alone." I told her. "Ima walk her downstairs alright ma?" I told Naomi. "Okay, bye April" she said. "Bye" April responded.
I helped her down the stairs and into her car.
"Let me know if you need anything" I told her. "Okay Tana. I appreciate everything you've been doing for Sa" she said. "You know I wouldn't have it any other way"' I told her. "I love you" She said catching me off guard. She hadn't told me that in years. "It's no worries. You know I got y'all" I said simply.

I went back in the house seeing the kids getting ready to watch a movie. "What we watching" I asked them. "Mermaid daddy" Sa said. The Little Mermaid was one of her favorite movies right now. We've been watching it every night, I don't know why Naomi put it on again. We all just sat there watching the movie, eating popcorn and singing along. Moments like this had me ready for the baby to get here.

They seem like one happy family huh? Y'all think they'll be able to keep that up or will someone ruin it?

I'm glad April isn't paralyzed, I couldn't do that to her. Maybe she'll calm down now though.

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