Chapter Twenty-Two: Chris

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It was 4th period and I was ready to go. Today was the homecoming game. It was also the first game Kaylee came home to see me play in. We had been talking and texting a lot while she was away at school. I was feeling her vibe, I could tell she was fucking with me.

Kay: I can't wait to see you play later 💜
Me: I appreciate you coming to support 💯
Kay: Of course, I told you I would!
Me: We having a party after the game, you going to come?
Kay: Yeah I'll probably slide through.

The bell had just rung letting me know school was over. I was so ready to graduate it didn't make any sense. I was walking towards my locker and I ran into Naomi. "Hey what's up! I never really see you around" I told her. "Hey Chris! How are you?" She asked me. "I'm good. You?" I asked "I'm good, just dealing with some stuff" she told me. "Word well you know I'm always here for you if you want to talk. You coming to the game later?" I asked her. "Probably not, I haven't been feeling too good lately" she replied. "Well if you do come and are feeling up to it we're having a party afterwards" I told her. "Okay, thanks for telling me." She said walking out the door.

"Aye Chris I'm not even trying to be all in y'all business, but is Na pregnant?" Brayden asked me. "Nigga why would you even ask me that? We not together." I told him. "Shit I forgot, so she pregnant by that other nigga from the bowling alley?" He asked. "Why you keep saying she pregnant? & why the fuck do you think I would know?" I asked him getting irritated. "I figured you heard what was being said about her. I'm surprised I'm the first person to bring it up to you" He said. "Y'all niggas always got something to say about someone. Naomi isn't pregnant, she doesn't even want kids. Especially not this young." I reassured him. "Aii bro we'll see because everyone seem real positive about this one." He said walking towards the locker room.

Now he had me wondering was she pregnant or not. She did say she hadn't been feeling well and when my mom was pregnant with my little sister she never felt well either. It didn't look like she was pregnant, so until she told me herself or I could tell on my own she wasn't pregnant. Now I need to get my mind right for this game.
The lights were shining bright as we gained the anticipation to run through the tunnel. We had this game in the bag, it was an easy team. I ran out first being the team captain. I hyped my boys up and it was time to send these other boys home.
Announcer "it's the 4th quarter and Westin Hills High is down by 2 touchdowns. Can Chris bring his team to victory?" It was 6 minutes in the 4th quarter and I had to throw 2 winning touchdowns. I saw Naomi walk in the game all late & my mind instantly went to what Brayden asked me earlier. I shook my thoughts, threw the ball down the yard line, Brayden caught it scoring a touchdown. "Yaaaaaaaa!" I hyped him up! We needed to score one more to win the game. I decided to take this one into my own hands. "Set HUT!" I fake the ball to Blake and run down the sideline, Brayden and Blake were right by me blocking the other boys from getting to me. The end zone was right there and it was 5 seconds left on the clock. I dove into the end zone. "TOUCHDOWN! & Westin Hills wins the game!" The announcer said.
After the game
"Good shit Chris you did your thing out there boy" my step dad dapped me up while I was walking out the locker room. I was looking for Naomi because I wanted to ask her if she was good and if she'd heard the rumors. Right when I spotted her Kaylee tapped my shoulder. "Hey! You did so good out there!!" She said hugging me. "Preciate It Kay. I'm glad you made it." I told her. "You ok? You seem distracted. You just won the homecoming game you should be excited!" She said. "I am but I need to go talk to someone real quick, ima catch up with you as soon as I'm done. Aii?" I told her. I walked towards where Naomi was standing with Mona. "Naomi can I talk to you for a second? I promise I'm not on no bullshit." I mainly was saying to Mo. "yeah, Mona it's cool, I'll meet you at the car" Naomi told her.

"Aii so I don't want to keep you long, but I just wanted to make sure you were really good." I said giving her a side eye. I know when Naomi was lying because she'll push her hair behind her ear. "I'm fine Chris. Really" she said pushing her hair behind her ear. "You don't think I know you well enough now to know when you nervous or lying you push your hair behind your ear? What's up, talk to me" I told her. "I don't know what you want me to say Chris. I'm fine." She said again. "Aii Na, so you haven't been hearing the rumors about you being pregnant?" I asked her because obviously she wasn't going to tell me. "Chris... they aren't rumors" she said catching me off guard. "Wait Naomi you cannot be serious. You really pregnant? How far along are you?" I asked her. I knew it was no chance it was my baby because I bought her that Plan B, but in the back of my mind I wanted it to be. "Yes I am & I'll be 3 months next week." She told me. "Damn that's crazy.... well congrats." I told her walking away. That shit really crushed me. "Chris? Chris?" I heard her calling behind me. I couldn't even make myself stop to answer her. I went to grab Kaylee from the bench she was sitting on and rolled out. 

"Are you ok? You've been quiet since we got in the car?" Kaylee asked me. "Not really, but I'll be fine. Where did you park? I'll drive you to your car and you can meet me at the party." I told her. "Chris talk to me. Did I do something?" She asked me. "Most definitely not. I'm really glad you came tonight & you look good too" I told her. "Thank you." She said not pressing the issue anymore. "Ima catch you at the party, is that what you're wearing?" I asked her. "Probably not, but I'll see you later" she gave me a kiss right before she closed the door. It caught me off guard, but I couldn't help but wonder what more of those would be like. She had really soft lips.

Naomi: I'm sorry you had to find out that way.
Me: Don't be sorry. I wish you the best 💯

I really did wish her the best, I wouldn't want anything less for her. I just still couldn't wrap my head around my little baby, well not anymore, was having a baby by some lame. I walk into the house to shower and get dressed for my party. It was going to be at Blake's house this time since my mom was home.

Liked by @NaomiLooks @Apriiil and 700 others @Chris_G: Respect the game 🥶@Kayleeee: 😍@Chris_G: Thanks boo @Kayleeee

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Liked by @NaomiLooks @Apriiil and 700 others
@Chris_G: Respect the game 🥶
@Kayleeee: 😍
@Chris_G: Thanks boo @Kayleeee

Damn seeing April name pop up on my Instagram made me think about the shit I heard she went through. I couldn't believe that. I'm just glad she's good. I have to check on her soon. Not tonight though. I don't want any distractions from me enjoying myself, especially with Kaylee.

Liked by @Chris_G, @Pumaaa and 800 others @Kayleeee: Girls need love too 💋@Chris_G: You got me, you smooth good 👌🏽@Kayleeee: Noted @Chris_G 😘

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Liked by @Chris_G, @Pumaaa and 800 others
@Kayleeee: Girls need love too 💋
@Chris_G: You got me, you smooth good 👌🏽
@Kayleeee: Noted @Chris_G 😘

I had to let Kaylee know that her kiss earlier was definitely going to be reciprocated tonight. I can't mess up what I got with her over some old relationship. It was time for me to move on too.

Alright Chris finally deciding to move on foreal. Y'all think Naomi being pregnant crushed Chris more than he's letting himself believe?

Y'all think Naomi feels bad about being pregnant now that Chris knows?

Thanks for reading 😘 that's all for today!

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