Chapter Thirty-Three: Naomi

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A month later: Baby Shower Day (March 5th)

It was the day of our baby shower and I couldn't be more excited. We had decided to do a Dr. Suess, Thing 1 Thing 2 theme. We were going to wear all white, with red shoes just to fit the theme more. I was getting my wig installed by the personal in home stylist Santana hired for me. I had decided on a long wavy wig. Santana was out getting a haircut. I think he was more excited than I was. I couldn't believe I was officially 8 months. The boys would come at any moment now, hopefully not today though. Everyone kept joking saying they'll make their grand entrance today. I was ready to see everyone, especially my dad. After the stylist finished my hair, she did my makeup for me. "Damn somebody mama look good" Santana said coming into the house. "& somebody dad look even better" I responded laughing. He gave me a kiss before heading into the bathroom to wash his hair and get dressed.

When we arrived at the venue, everything was set up so nice. Mona really did her thing making sure she turned my vision into a reality. "Mooooo!! It's beautiful thank you so much!" I told her. "Girl it's not a problem these my babies too. Now calm down before you mess up your makeup." She said hugging me.

" She said hugging me

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We were having a good time, playing games , talking, dancing and eating

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We were having a good time, playing games , talking, dancing and eating. Then some lady walked in and when she did I could clearly tell Santana was bothered. "T who is that? You good?" I asked him. He didn't say anything. He just got up and walked towards her. "Why are you here?" I heard him ask her. "Santana someone told me you were having a baby & that your baby shower was today. I just wanted to come and check on you." She replied. At this point I'm assuming this is his mom or something. "I already have a kid who's life you aren't in because you'd rather be on drugs. I thought you were dead" he said walking away. "Santana, is that your mom?" I asked him. "If that's what you want to call her." He replied. She clearly disturbs his peace. She has to go because today isn't the day to be on your selfish make amends bullshit. I asked Dre to escort her out, so that we can continue with the event. "Babe it's going to be okay, shake that off and enjoy the rest of our day" I told him. He just nodded his head. He hadn't seen his mom in years, so he probably had thousands of questions running through his mind. I felt so bad that she would come today and confront him.

After the baby shower was over we packed up the car with all the gifts we got. We were overwhelmed with all of the love and grace that was in the building. Now all we needed was for the boys to arrive. When we got home I decided to go through the boys things, wash everything separate stuff and pack it back up since we were moving. Santana had found us a place not too far from here and he said we were leaving next week. "Babe you good?" I asked him after he got out the shower. "I just don't understand who told her, why they told her and why she felt like it was okay to actually come" he said. I just sat there listening to him vent because I know he needed it. "I haven't seen that woman in over 5 years and all of a sudden she decides to pop up and thinks it's ok?" He asked me. "Babe would you be willing to sit down and talk with her?" I asked him. "Man Naomi after everything she put me through I doubt it, but it's like that's still my mom man" he said. I could hear all the pain in his voice. "When did she leave? If you don't mind me asking." "When I was 12 she started disappearing, but I always thought she was at work. Then the older I got I noticed it was getting worse and we would be sitting in the dark, so I'm like she can't be working. When I turned 14 I saw her strung out on the streets. It was my birthday man, that shit killed me." He said. I moved behind him so I could rub his back, I just wanted to comfort him. "All the way up until my 15th birthday I tried everything to get her clean, but nothing worked. I turned to the streets and never looked back" he finished telling me. "I really hate that happened to you T. I do think you should talk to her though. What if she went to rehab and is willing to right her wrongs with you?" I asked him. "Man Naomi I doubt that shit. I'm really not tryna hear shit she got to say if ima be real. Just seeing her today made my skin boil" he said. "Can you just consider it for me?" I asked him. "I wouldn't even know where to find her." He said. "I do." I handed him the slip of paper Dre gave me earlier that had an address on it. "Where you get this?" He asked me. "Dre gave it to me, I guess she gave it to him" I told him. "Damn....." He said standing up pacing the room. "Just think about it love" I told him. "Ima go" He said.
Later that day
Santana has been out for about an hour now, he hasn't texted me to tell me how things are going, so I don't know if he even went.

Me: T, you ok?
Tana❤️: yeah I'm fine, I haven't went in yet. Are you good?
Me: So what you just sitting there?
Tana❤️: yeah it's a hotel. Idk if I want to go in. Are you good though?
Me: just go. & yes I'm fine baby
Tana❤️: aii baby I'll be home soon

I decided to take a nap until he got home because I was sleepy asf.

I was probably sleep for about 2 hours before I felt sharp pains in my back. I called T, but he didn't answer. So I called Mona. "Hey boo, I may need you to come get me" I told her. "What's wrong baby girl?" She said worried. "I'm having sharp pains in my back. Idk if it's contractions or what" I told her. "I'm on the way boo, be there in 10" She said hanging up. I tried calling T again, no response. Why would he cut his phone off just to see his mom? I needed him. I really hope the boys weren't coming and he wasn't here. I got up to get dressed and I felt water running down my leg. "Oh fuck, I'm really in labor" I said shocked.
At the hospital
"Have you been able to get in contact with Santana?" I asked Mona. "No, me and Dre have both been trying" she replied. I started crying "I don't want to do this without him Mo. I just can't" "don't cry boo, he'll be here before you know it. Trust me" she tried to comfort me. "I really hope so, I need him." I told her. "I know baby, I know." She said rubbing my back.

The doctors came in to check how far along my contractions were and to see if I dilated any. "It looks like we still have a while to go" the nurse said. "You're only 2 cm dilated" she told me. "2 cm?! I'm in so much pain." I told her. "Okay we'll get you some medicine for the pain, but we can't give you an epidural yet" she told me. The medicine she gave me made me sleepy.
An hour later
I woke up seeing Santana sitting right beside me, he had pulled up a chair and was knocked out. I was so glad he was here. "Hey baby" I said to him. "Fuck Na, I shouldn't have left you! I'm sorry!!" He said. "Baby it's okay I told you to leave, I'm fine." I reassured him. "How was the visit?" I asked. "It was really crazy to be honest, but we can talk about that another time." He said. "What better time than now? I can't go anywhere." I told him. "Well aii. Basically she did go to rehab and she's been clean for 30 days. I'm her only kid, so she had been looking for me and some old cat told her where to find me. She went out to the trap," "wait to the trap?" I interrupted him. "Yeah, probably wasn't smart being she's only 30 days clean, but one of my worker told her where to find me, so she pulled up to the shower." He told me. "You were unreachable for a while, did you guys talk a lot?" I asked him. "Nah only an hour really. I decided to turn my phone off and sit in my car. I wasn't thinking that you could possibly need me." He said. "Ahhhh" I screamed. "Wait Na whats wrong?" He asked me. "I'm hurting really bad! Call the nurse" I told him trying to hold back any tears I had. "Okay Baby, hold on" he replied.

When the nurse got in the room she had checked me out and then called the doctors into my room. Everyone had this worried look on their face. "What? What is it?" I asked them. "We have to get you upstairs Naomi, fast." They said pulling up my rails and grabbing my cords. "What's wrong?! Is she okay? What's going on?" Santana asked them. "We will know more once we get up there. We will notify you as soon as we can" they told him. "I can't come with her?" He pleaded with them and before I could hear their response I blacked out.

Whew.... wasn't expecting that. I create as I go. What y'all think?

Would y'all be mad if this was the last chapter for this book?

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