Chapter Nineteen: Santana

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It was Friday afternoon. I was about to go get Na from school, since I had been taking her all week. She was so spoiled already, but I guess that's my fault. I wanted to surprise her with a trip to my cabin up in Asheville. I didn't want to go buy her anymore clothes since she swear she didn't need anything else, so I went in her closet to pack her bag. We were going to leave straight from her school. I was almost done packing and just needed to grab some Ugg's since it'll be cold up there. I pull the box down from the back and when I opened it I saw a pregnancy test. "What the fuck" I said to myself . "I know damn well she not pregnant and didn't tell me" I couldn't believe this shit. I started to call her, but I hung up since she was still in class.

Boo❣️: Hey love, you called me?
Me: I didn't mean to. I'll see you in a few. I'll be out front in the usual spot.
Boo❣️: okay 😘

I didn't know if I should be pissed she didn't tell me or excited that I was going to be a dad again. I don't even know how I should bring it up to her because I don't want her to get upset, but this some serious shit. I didn't want to call up anyone and say anything because she obviously doesn't want anyone to know. Ain't no way she wasn't having my baby. I already told her that. I can't believe she didn't think this was something she could tell me. Did she already go and try to get an abortion? No wonder she was sick the other day. "Damnnn that's why she said it was my fault" I said out loud. This shit crazy man.
I pull up to her school at this point I'm more mad than excited because we supposed to be able to talk to each other and she didn't tell me some serious shit like this? I saw her walking up to the car, so I got out to open her door. "Thanks babe" she said. "How was your day?" I asked her trying not to sound mad. "It was fine. How was yours?" She asked me "Ive had better days." I simply said. "What's wrong T?" She asked. "We're going away for the weekend. Look in your bag back there and make sure I grabbed everything." I told her. "A trip where?!" She asked excited. "The mountains, something chill. I made sure I grabbed your uggs" I said trying to see if it'll click in her head that I know. "T.... I was going to tell you" she said instantly knowing. "Tell me that you're pregnant?" I asked her pissed. "Calm down T. Yes. I was going to tell you, but I got scared. I don't know what to do with a baby! I'm only 18!" She was crying now. "Naomi stop crying. Regardless of any of that, this is OUR child you should have felt comfortable enough to tell me" I told her. "You don't have to do this alone." I said trying to reassure her. "I was scared you wouldn't want me to have the baby" she said. "I told you the night it happened that if you got pregnant you couldn't get an abortion. You not still trying to do that are you?" I asked her. She looked at me with a sad look. "Bruh Naomi don't tell me you already did that shit..." I asked trying not to be mad since she was already crying. "I didn't, but I had planned on it" She said. "You cannot be fucking serious Na.... you were going to get rid of the baby and just act like it never happened?!" I was pissed now. "Santana you have to understand I want to go to college, I want to travel, I want to be a fashion designer. I can't do any of that with a kid!" She said. "Yes you can. Once again you acting like you'll be doing all of this by yourself." I said "you can do whatever you want with your body, but the fact that you weren't even going to tell me.... I can't get over that" I told her. I was hurt that she really considered getting an abortion.
In Asheville
At first I was going to take her home and just cancel the trip, but I didn't want her to do anything crazy. I wanted to be around her more, maybe I could convince her that she can have the baby and still do everything she wants. I decided to call in some take out for us to eat. We could lay up and watch movies. "Babe I'm sorry I didn't tell you" she said. This was the first thing we said to each other the whole car ride and time we've been here. I grabbed her arm, so I could sit her on my lap "why didn't you think you could tell me Na?" I asked her. "I was scared. I'm still scared" she said. "You have every right to be, but you don't have to go through any of this alone ma" I told her. "I know. Can you just give me time to think?" She asked me. "Can you at least go to the doctor first?" I asked her. "Yeah I'll go when we get back." She said.

We were laying beside the fire place, I was rubbing her hair. I couldn't believe she was pregnant. We haven't even been together that long, but I was glad she was if I was being honest. Naomi got up to fix something to drink and all she had on was my shirt and some pink lace panties. Idk why she even did that knowing I wouldn't be able to resist her. I went behind her and slid my dick in from the back. Bending her over the counter top. "Santana omg" she moaned. At this point it obviously was no reason to wear a condom. "You like that shit?" I said smacking her ass. "Mhmmm" She said. I turned her around and picked her up, making her bounce on my dick. Her pussy was so wet, that shit had me about to cum a lot faster than usual. "Fuckkkk" I moaned in her ear. It was a matter of seconds before I came in her. "Damn" we both said and laid back down. She got on top of me and went for another round. This weekend would be interesting.
Monday morning
"Hi there Naomi. I'm Dr. Cain" the doctor came in. "Is this the father?" He asked "Yeah I'm Santana." I introduced myself. Naomi was so nervous, but I didn't know why she already knew she was pregnant. "Alright let's take a look and see what we have" Dr. Cain said. "Ooo it looks like you're only 1 month pregnant, so you'll be due in April." He said. "Really?" Naomi asked almost crying. "Yes ma'am, that's right. Congratulations" Dr. Cain said. He handed Naomi the ultrasound pictures and left the room. "We're really having a baby Na" I told her giving her a kiss. "How do you feel?" I asked her. "I feel different. I can't believe I'm having a baby." She said smiling. It seemed like she was on board now. Which made me happy. "Look at me Naomi. I got y'all, don't ever worry about that. This baby won't be a distraction or something to hold you back. He or she will be motivation to get shit done." I told her. "Thank you T, I'm glad I have you" she said kissing me.

NO NEED TO GO FURTHER... I was going to be messy and let the baby be Chris baby, but I forgot she already went to the clinic and found out she wasn't pregnant. I'll keep the messiness to a minimum for this chapter.

I'll be back with more soon 😘

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