Chapter Twenty-Seven: Naomi

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I finally told my dad I was pregnant since he was coming to visit for Christmas. Since I'm almost 6 months, it would be hard not to tell. He was so disappointed honestly. It hurt my feelings having to tell him news like this. He was really mad I waited so long to tell him because he wanted to be here with me through everything. He wants to meet Santana now, so we planned to have a dinner at our house. I was going to cook, Santana insisted that he hire a cook, but I wanted to cook for them. I decided to make pork chops, broccoli, rice and corn on the cob. I made my dads favorite, apple pie for dessert. I was nervous as hell for my dad to meet Santana under these circumstances. Especially because I never told him about Santana.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Santana. "Nah I'm not nervous, it's been long overdue." He told me. "I wish you guys were meeting on better circumstances" I told him. "Stop making yourself feel bad for bringing blessings into this world." He said. "I don't feel bad, I love my boys. I just know my dad didn't want this for me. My mom got pregnant at an early age too." I told him. "How old was she? You never told me that." He asked. "She was 21 when she had me." I told him. "Got you. Does your dad know about Saniyah?" He asked me. "I tried to mention her to him, but he was too upset to listen, so we'll tell him." I told him. "Word, well I'm ready" he said. "Somebody needs to be ready at this point" I told him. "Just relax ma, you don't need to put all that stress on the boys anyway. It's going to be fine." He saying reassuring me. All I could do at this point was hope for the best.
Later that night
I had just finished cooking and my dad was letting me know he was 15 minutes away. Santana was coming down the stairs, he had on his chains and his grill in his mouth. "Do you really need all of that? Damn you want him to know you have your own trap house and shit?!" I asked him confused. "I mean he's going to ask what I do anyway, ima business man baby" he said to me. "Santana, at least take the grill out, that's the least you can do." I pleaded with him. "Okay, I can do that." he went upstairs to take his grill out. When he came back downstairs, he had also taken all but 1 of his chains off. "Thanks babe" I said giving him a kiss. I think I heard my dad pull up.

"Baby girl," I heard him say coming through the front door, with the evil queen right behind him. "Hey daddy!" I said excited to see him. I hadn't seen him since he left at the beginning of the school year. "I missed you so much" I told him "I missed you too Naomi". "How are you Mr. Bailey? I'm Santana, it's nice to finally meet you." he said not giving me time to introduce him. "Hello, Santana. It's a surprise to meet you, honestly." my dad said. "I cooked a nice dinner for you guys" I said interrupting the moment that could have turned sour. "You cooked? With all of that belly?" My dad asked me. "Yup and I made your favorite, apple pie, for dessert." I said smiling. "Still know how to make ya old man feel loved, huh?" he asked. "of course, alright you guys let's sit down." I told them.
"Twins, huh?" Simone asked me. "Yep, that's right." I told her not really interested in having conversation with her. "That's a lot, but you got it." she said. I didn't understand why she was telling me how it would be to raise children, when she had none of her own. "So Santana, what do you do?" my dad asked him "I'm a business owner. I have my own detailing shop." He told him. I just ate my food, listening. I wonder how he came up with that lmao. How long had he been thinking about it? "That's nice, how'd you get started with that?" Simone asked him "It's always been a passion of mine, I never thought I'd have my own. It's not here though, it's in NYC." "Oh NYC huh? How long have you been here?" my dad asked him. "I moved here when I turned 18." He said. "I've been trying to open one here too, especially so all of my kids have something to inherit." he said. I wondered how much truth was behind all of this, we'll talk later. "And how many kids do you already have?" my dad asked him, I knew this question was coming. "Other than the boys, I have a 3 year old daughter Saniyah" he told him. "Oh okay, where's her mom?" he asked him. "Dad!" I said, "I didn't know I couldn't ask, sorry" he said. "He's fine Na, she stays with her mom here in Atlanta. I get her 3 days out the week, but we just didn't work out" he told him simply. "Well I hope that doesn't happen with you guys" Simone said. "It won't" we both said smiling.
The dinner turned out nicer than I expected. We were now sitting around watching tv in the living room. My dad and Santana seem like they were getting along well. "So which room did you plan on turning into a nursery?" My dad asked me. "I hadn't really thought about it. Santana wanted me to move with him." I told him honestly. "You don't have to move with him when you have a perfectly nice house here" he said. "I know dad, I can have both" I told him. "You need to be in one stable place with twins Naomi" he said. "Okay dad" I didn't want to argue with him. "I agree, she should have one stable place. & while I understand why you want her to stay here, sir, it would be easier if we were both at one place, together" Santana told him. "It's bad enough she's pregnant, you think she's ready to live with someone too?" My dad asked him. "Would you prefer her to be here and raise them alone? I'm far from a deadbeat dad & that doesn't sit right with me" Santana told him getting defensive. "Calm down T" I told him. "I'm calm, I just don't understand how he expect us to raise OUR kids if we in two separate homes." He said. "Dad, we're going to be fine & I understand why it concerns you for me to live with him, but he is the father of my children." I said jumping in, hoping to end the conversation. "I digress, let's go Simone" he said grabbing his jacket. "Dad don't leave like that" I was getting sad because why didn't he understand that? "Nah it's cool. You have all the answers. Go move with him, the house will be here regardless" he told me. He hugged me and walked out. "I'll talk to him, he's just hurt" Simone said to me. I was surprised she even understood where I was coming from and was willing to talk to him for me.
That night
"Babe a detailing business?" I asked Santana when he got out the shower. "Yeah I always wanted one foreal, so I figured I go ahead and get one. That's clean money, & something I can pass down to the boys." He told me. "How come you never told me this?" I asked. "I wasn't sure how ready I was, but now I am. You fuck with it?" He asked me. "I do! I'm glad you want to pursue something legit" I told him. "Don't start that Naomi" he said. "Fine. Babe my feet hurt so bad. Can you massage them?" I asked him. He was rubbing my feet and I was nearly falling asleep. Today was so long and stressful. I just wanted to go to sleep at this point. I hoped my dad and I could get on a good page before Christmas. That was our favorite holiday.
"Babe have you thought of any names?" He asked me knocking me out of my thoughts. "Nah I haven't, I want to see their faces first" I told him. "I've been thinking of some, but I'll wait until they get here." He said. "I want to go shopping for them now though" I told him. "That's cool ma, wanna go tomorrow?" He asked me. "Yes, I was thinking about doing their room grey and white, what you think?"
"That's cool or green" he said. "We'll figure it out." "You in the mood for some dick ma?" He asked me out of no where. I just started laughing because his face was so funny, but serious. "I'm always in the mood, trust that" I told him.
The next day
We were in Target shopping for the nursery. I thought I was picky, Santana didn't like anything I picked out. "Why are you being so difficult T?" I asked him. "Man my boys have to be in a stylish spot, we not just buying anything" he said. "Well I'll go look at some clothes for me, you can get whatever for them" I said to him annoyed. "Girl calm down. I'm fucking with you. Get whatever you want." He told me. "Stop playing with me T" I told him. He knew I was more sensitive now. After we left Target, we went to the mall. I didn't feel like going in there so I let T go in by himself.
*phone ringing*
"Hey dad" I said into my phone. "Hey baby girl, I'm sorry about yesterday. You didn't deserve that. I just can't believe my baby girl is having babies of her own." He told me. "I know dad, I want you to be apart of this. We can't get mad when we have a disagreement." I told him. "I know Naomi, I know. Your mom would be proud of you for stepping up like you are" he told me. "I miss her so much dad" I started crying "I miss her too baby" he said "don't cry, she sees you. She's proud, trust me" he said. "Thanks dad, I love you" "I love you too, take it easy." He told me before hanging up. I decided to post on Instagram since Santana was still inside the mall.

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