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1) "Name?"

Sara & Maggie (Mags)

2) "Age?"

Sara: 35 — I used to be embarrassed to admit this on here, but now I don’t give two shits. *sips my vodka on the rocks*

Maggie: Just turned 29! Last year of my 20s. I don’t want to talk about. *chugs wine*

3) "What are your hobbies?"

Sara: Writing with Maggie, watching movies (like A LOT of movies), playing guitar and other stringed instruments with my husband, baking, playing videos games and of course, designing things. I own a graphic design business, so I pretty much live and breath design. I also have two goofy pitbulls (Desmo and Brodeo)  that take up a lot of my time.

Maggie: First and foremost, writing fanfic, of course. I also love drawing and painting. My boyfriend and I love playing music. I sing and play ukulele, sometimes play the keyboard, while he plays guitar and sings along too. I also LOVE DANCING. I can’t forget playing and cuddling with my little pup, Harrison, either (named after George Harrison from The Beatles).

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

Sara: I think it was almost two years ago? I was reading a lot of fanfic on wattpad and told Maggie about it and I think I kind of sucked her into the wattpad world. I was reading a lot of The Walking Dead fanfic and, after seeing Dunkirk, a ton Harry Styles fanfic (yeah I know, I’m late to the Harry party, I didn’t know who he was prior to that, let alone heard of 1D). I called Maggie up one day and said, “What do you think about actually writing something together?” And Maggie pitched an idea that she had been thinking about and I started adding some ideas and it snowballed from there. It was one of the funnest conversation I’d ever had with her. So basically, I started writing because of Maggie and that phone call. However, I don’t think I really found the passion for it until we started writing strictly Harry stories, he truly is a muse.

Maggie: I’ve been writing for as long as I can remember. I’ve always written in journals. Created little stories. Actually, in high school through college I had a lot of teachers and professors egging me on to write professionally but never really went for it. UNTIL FAN FICTION THAT IS! Sara introduced me to it several years ago and I was instantly addicted. Then about two years ago we actually decided to start writing ourselves. It was totally natural. A very organic transition for us. We’re both such creative people and were constantly sharing ideas of our own. It started with The Walking Dead (TWD) fanfiction believe it or not. We were both really into the show at the time. Then Harry Styles came along. We’d share pictures of him and create these grandiose stories based on the most basic of images of him. We eventually fell off of TWD, both the show and writing about it. I think it’s because there was and is so much more we could do with the Harry Styles character. I just remember driving up to Tahoe with her, which is when we birthed the idea of our first Harry Styles’ fanfiction — Carousel. We’ve been pretty unstoppable ever since.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

Sara: Our first story that we wrote on wattpad was a Negan/The Walking Dead fanfic called Crimson and Clover. But, if I were to go WAY back, when I was 8 I wrote a love story about me and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Even bound it like a book and designed the cover with cut outs of construction paper. I really hope my mom still has it, I’d love to reread it.

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