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1) "Name?"

C. I’ve never used my full name for my work.

2) "Age?"


3)" What are your hobbies?"

I love going to Disney World, being with my family, and writing of course!

4) "When did you start writing and why?"

I’ve been writing as long as I can remember. I’ve always had an overactive imagination, and writing fiction stories has been my outlet.

5) "Which was your first story generally?"

Tomorrow was my first story, and I used to write a full chapter everyday. I wish I could do that again!

6) "Do you write in some other website except Wattpad?"

I don’t. Wattpad is my home!

7) "What has given you motive to keep on writing?"

So many things. Mostly because the story is still living in my head and is basically begging to come out. But comments from my readers are my absolute favorite. I read every single comment and respond to as many as I can!

8 )"Have you ever wanted to give up everything? (writing I mean)"

Absolutely not. I’ve been super busy lately and haven’t updated in a while, but I never ever consider giving up on writing.

9) "Which is your favorite story on Wattpad?"

I don’t read a lot due to lack of time, but I’m gonna be basic and say the After series!

10) "Have you gained any friendship from Wattpad? If yes, which are your Wattpad friends?"

I haven’t.

11) "Do you relate with any of your characters from your books? If yes, which one and which characteristics are similar?"

Of course! Caroline is basically me, but with different flaws. Caroline is smart, sometimes a little reserved, kind, but also can be selfish. She talks a lot and she’s a Gemini like me. Also Kate, she’s based off my best friend, very snippy but very caring. I love how much Kate and Caroline’s friendship has evolved in Sweet.

12) "What did you study /are you studying/do you want to study?"

I’m studying business and marketing, which is why I’m so busy all the time! College is just so time consuming, even more so as you get closer to the end of your degree.

13)" Describe yourself in 3 words."

I suck at describing myself, but I imagine others in my life would say, charismatic, loyal, and talkative.

14) "What do you advise new writers?"

Just keep writing!! I always thought my writing wasn’t good enough, and at times, it wasn’t. But I kept going even though it sucked. I still don’t think my writing is perfect, but it’s one of my favorite things to do!

15)" Questions based on ' Sweet' :  How were you inspired to write this story?"

I was tired of reading stories on bad boy Harry, so I kept it simple, titled my book “Sweet” and gave the world a sweet Harry. The rest of the plot just came to me as I started writing.

Interview Book (English)Where stories live. Discover now