Chapter 6: Touching Reunions

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Izumina awoke the next morning after a deep and refreshing sleep. It was the best sleep she'd had in a while. She stretched and rubbed her eyes, as she did she noticed the different room she was in and remembered, she wasn't in Quebec anymore. After realizing she was back at her old house she exhaled and snuck a glance over at the picture frame on her nightstand. When she looked over she noticed her old journal lying open. She reached over and picked it up. Once she brought it back to her face she saw that Fleur-de-Lis had signed his name across both pages. In the corner he had written a small note.

Noticed the title and figured you'd appreciate this. It was a pleasure meeting you kid. You're going to make a great hero someday.

~ Fleur

Izumina smiled to herself and turned the book over to read its cover. Written across the front of the journal was the title 'Hero Analysis For The Future #3.' Izumina smiled to herself once more as she remembered making the first of these journals with her friend Izuku. They had each wanted to become Heroes, and used these journals as a way to prepare for that dream. They each wrote notes in their own notebooks, and compared facts about each new Hero they discovered. Katsuki would make fun of them for it after he got his quirk, but Izumina always knew he was just jealous of how much they knew about the Hero world. You could say the two were experts on the subject. Izumina had almost completely forgotten about these journals, considering she had to leave them behind when she left with her Mom. However, now that she was back it seemed almost impossible to have forgotten. It was just as important to her now as it was before she had left.

She glanced up and noticed a grey backpack leaning against the wall. She got out of bed and placed the journal in the bag. As she did so she noticed it was packed with all the stuff he'd need for school. Her old pencil case, and school books were already packed for her, presumably by her Dad. Izumina looked up and noticed that a folded school uniform was on her dresser. Her Father had brought all this up for her while she slept.

Izumina grabbed the uniform, and backpack, and rushed into the bathroom. She quickly got changed from her pajamas into her clothes, then brushed her teeth and hair. Once she was finished she slung the bag over her shoulders and rushed downstairs.

She went into the kitchen and helped herself to a piece of toast her Father had made. Nakiro sat at the table, sipping his morning coffee from a mug and reading the day's paper. "Excited are we?" He asked, noticing Izumina's hurry.

Izumina nodded, as she continued to chew the toast in her mouth.

"I've got to get to work soon. Do you remember how to get to school from here?"

Izumina nodded in response once more, and swallowed the last of her toast.

"I'll see you tonight then," Nakiro said, waving goodbye to his daughter. "When you get there go to the principal's office. He'll tell you where your class is."

Izumina smiled and dashed down the hallway. She fumbled to put on her shoes before she ran out the door. Once she got to the end of her driveway, she slowed her running and began walking at a brisk pace towards her old school. Along the way she recalled her experiences throughout the last couple days. She began to feel guilty for waking up in such a pleasant mood. After all, there was no reason to be happy when she had just recently lost her Mother. 'No, Mom would want me to move on' Izumina thought to herself. She tried to think on the bright side. She knew in her heart that her Mother wouldn't want her dwelling on the sorrow she was feeling.

After a few minutes Izumina arrived at her old school. She saw kids playing as they waited to be let inside. It truly felt like nastalgia.

Izumina headed into the school and towards the main office, where her father had suggested she go to pick up her classroom number and homeform. When she got there the principal was delighted to see her. Apparently her father had called the night before to alert him of her return. Although she wouldn't admit it, Izumina was glad to see a familiar face.

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