Chapter 22: Introductions

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Izumina pulled open the door to class 1-A, which surprisingly wasn't as heavy as she thought it would be. The first thing she noticed as she stepped in the room was the tension in the back corner as two familiar boys argued.

"Don't put your feet on the desk! Don't you think it's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?"

Izumina recognized the owner of the voice as the boy with glasses from the entrance exam. She scrunched up her face as she noticed he was lecturing Bakugou.

"Nope," Bakugou yelled back. "What junior high did you go to, side character?"

Izumina sweatdropped at Bakugou's use of the term 'side character' before turning to Izuku. "I guess the odds were against us, Izu," she mumbled. "Looks like we'll be in the same class as the scary people after all." She tried her best not to laugh at Izuku's expression as she quoted his term for the boys in the class.

Izuku was half-hidden by the door frame as he mumbled, "The top two" in response to Izumina's statement.

Izumina took Izuku by the arm and gently led him into the classroom. "Hey now, There's only one person who came in first aside from Kacchan," Izuku met Izumina's gaze as she smiled and said, "and you're lookin' right at her."

Izuku's shoulders relaxed slightly, which Izumina took to be a good sign. "With your determination, you have nothing to be worried about, Izu. Not Kacchan, or the boy with glasses, or anybody! This year we won't be known as the quirkless losers. We'll be known as future heroes in training!"

Izuku nodded, grateful for Izumina's words of encouragement, before turning his attention back to the boy's conversation.

The boy with the glasses held a hand to his chest as he answered Bakugou's question from earlier. "I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Iida."

Iida, Izumina noted. For some reason, the name sounded familiar to her.

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you." Izumina internally rolled her eyes at Bakugou's manners, or rather lack thereof. It was only the first day and he was already picking fights. Though if Bakugou was right, about Somei Academy being elite, maybe Izumina recognized the name from Iida's family. Either way, Izumina was certain she'd heard the name 'Iida' before.

Izumina was lost in thought, as she tried to figure out where she'd heard the boy's name before. As she considered whether or not Iida was the name of a family company, Izumina realized the class had fallen silent. She looked up to see all eyes were on her. "No, not me," she thought as she turned to the boy next to her. "Izuku..."

It seemed as though Izuku realized this at the same time as Izumina, for he immediately flushed pink, and began stuttering incoherently. "Oh, umm.."

"Good morning!" Izumina turned her attention away from Izuku to see Iida walking directly towards them.

As Iida began to introduce himself Izuku held up a hand and said; "I heard."

Iida stopped in his tracks as he contemplated how Izuku possibly could've heard his conversation from the other end of the room. "I guess he didn't realize how loud he was talking," Izumina thought.

Izuku lowered his hands, though they still hung awkwardly in front of his chest. "I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida." Iida's gaze fell on Izumina, who stood next to Izuku.

"Oh," Izumina stuttered as she realized Iida was waiting for her to introduce herself too. "I'm Izumi...Izumina Yūsha. It's nice to meet you too."

Izumina smiled at Iida but noticed Izuku's questioning gaze next to her. She looked at her friend and silently begged him not to question her introduction. To Izumina's relief, Izuku said nothing, though Izumina knew he would ask about it later.

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