Chapter 24: The First Test

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"Last place will be expelled?" Uraraka exclaimed, once again voicing the question on most of the class's minds. "But it's the first day of school! No, even if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!" Izumina had to hand it to Uraraka, she was very good at speaking her mind. Izumina felt she'd make a great hero one day, it was just a shame she wouldn't be at U.A. to see it. Maybe Izuku would invite her to hang out with them after Izumina had been expelled. Izumina could only hope so.

"Natural disasters, big accidents..." Izumina's attention fell once more on Aizawa sensei as his wording caused her to remember the worst moment of her life, involving a truck, her mother, and a very big accident. "...and selfish villains," Aizawa continued. Izumina remembered the name Fleur-de-Lis had used to address the villain behind the chaos that fateful day, Destructo. A stupid name for a stupid villain. At least, that's what Izumina had always thought.

Just then Izumina locked eyes with Bakugou, who still stood opposite to the class in the circle he'd pitched from. Izumina's breath caught in her throat as she remembered being held back by a police officer as he suffocated inside the sludge villain. Izumina exhaled in an attempt to mentally compose herself. She realized she'd been staring at Bakugou and looked away. She wondered if he'd been looking at her because of Aizawa's wording, or if it was simply because the flood of bad memories had been visible on her face. Izumina hardened her gaze. If this truly was to be her first and last day as a student of U.A.'s hero course, she refused to let the villains of the past ruin it for her.

"Calamities whose time and place can't be predicted. Japan is covered in unfairness." Izumina, although annoyed that Aizawa had shot down Uraraka's prior statement so harshly, had to agree he had a point. "Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad. For the next three years, U.A. will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra. Overcome it with all you've got."

As harsh as Aizawa's speech had been, Izumina felt guilty for planning to do her worst. Some small part of her wanted to exceed his expectations. Go beyond, Plus Ultra. But deep down she already knew she probably would've been able to succeed in the hero program. Maybe knowing she got in at all, was enough.

"All right, demonstrations over. The real thing starts now. The first test is the fifty-metre dash, so head over there quickly." Izumina tilted her head in the direction Aizawa was pointing and noticed some sort of machine next to where three white lines had been painted. She concluded that the machine must be some sort of timer.

The class shuffled towards the two lanes to do as Aizawa had said. Once there the machine next to the finish line made a noise similar to that of a whistle. Aizawa instructed them to go two at a time, listening to the machine for further instructions. The first two to step forward were Iida and the girl with green hair from the changeroom, who Izumina remembered to be Tsuyu. "On your mark... Get set..." The machine said in a high pitched voice before firing a start gun, or at least what sounded to be a start shot.

Izumina was only half paying attention as steam erupted from Iida's calves and he and Tsuyu took off towards the finish line. "Iida has an impressive quirk. Don't you think, Izu," she asked, in an attempt to take Izuku's focus off One For All.

"Yeah, I guess," Izuku stated, turning to face her. "I'm just a little worried about... you know what," he explained, bringing his voice down to a hushed whisper.

Izumina smiled sadly as she did her best to hide her true feelings. "Don't worry about that. You won't be the one to get expelled. I'm sure of it," she said, keeping her voice low and steady as she did so.

Izuku raised an eyebrow in question. "How can you be sure? It's not like you can control who gets..." Izuku's eyes widened as he realized what she'd been planning to do. "No, Izumi! You can't," he exclaimed, his voice rising in volume ever so slightly. "I won't let you do that for me. No way!"

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