Chapter 10: A Meeting With Fate

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"Come on, Izumi! We're gonna be late," Izuku yelled over his shoulder as he and Izumina ran.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Izumina yelled back while struggling to tie her hair into its usual loose, over the shoulder ponytail. "No need to rush! At this rate we'll be super early to school."

The two ran along the sidewalks of their home city Musutafu, Japan before coming to a stop at an intersection. Izuku couldn't stand still the entire time they waited for the light to change. He jumped from one foot to the other while holding the straps of his backpack in anticipation. The Japanese cherry blossoms were in bloom that day, and the colourful cars were driving by at a relaxed pace. The only two people in the world who seemed to be rushing were the middle schoolers.

"I know we have plenty of time to get to school," Izuku said, still staring at the lights, begging them to change faster. "I just got an alert on my phone this morning. There's a villain on a rampage not too far from here, and where there's a villain-"

"There's heroes!" Izumina finished, as realization dawned on her. In that moment the light changed and she took off running across the street with a new sense of motivation. "Come on, Izuku! We're gonna be late!" The boy followed tout suite.

As they came to the other side of the road and turned a corner Izuku took the lead, directing Izumina where to go. They turned once more and spotted a crowd of people looking up at an overpass, where the city's train tracks were.

"Up there!" Izumina said as she pointed towards the tracks. There, a giant villain was going berserk, causing mass destruction on the rails. The villain had some crazy quirk that seemed to affect his physical appearance, as he had a shark shaped head and sharp teeth. Izuku shuffled around and stood on his tip toes but he couldn't get a good view of the scene. Izumina, being slightly taller than him, was only able to see the villain's head and shoulders over the crowd of adults blocking her view.

The villain roared and swatted at one of the utility poles overhead. There was a large BOOM as the metal and wires of the pole disconnected from the rest in the sequence and fell towards the crowd. Electrical sparks flew as the wires continued to crackle from the damage. If it were to land on the mass of people someone would surely be injured.

Suddenly there was a flash of yellow, blue, and black as a figure leapt over the crowd of people and caught the piece of metal using his vast physical strength before it could injure anyone.

Izuku and Izumina gave each other a shocked expression as neither could see who the man was.

The crowd went crazy as they recognized the hero who had just arrived on scene. The man held the utility pole over his head and gently brought it down to the ground as the crowd cheered. He wore bulky head and arm pieces that matched his belt in its yellow and black striped pattern. His short white hair and forehead piece was all Izumina could make out from the back of the crowd.

"That's the punching hero!" Someone in the crowd screamed. "Death Arms," yelled another. The crowd tried to get closer to the hero, but police officers on site were working to keep them at a safe distance from the mayhem. All of a sudden, a stream of water flowed in front of the crowd. It contorted midair to form a suspended barrier, defying all laws of physics. The water line created circular caution symbols evenly spaced throughout its stream, warning people to stay back. This brought the crowd's attention to another hero who had appeared on the scene.

"Stay back," spoke the hero, who had a suit similar to a firefighter's uniform. He had hose arms, which he used to keep the barrier of water a float, and a yellow jacket. His red fire hat was all Izumina could make out over the many heads in front of her. Izuku shuffled this way and that but was still unable to get a good view of any action.

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