Chapter 25: Bring On The Tests

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The rest of the class finished the 50-meter dash and moved onto the second test. Grip strength. As Aizawa herded them into the gym Izumina nudged Izuku. "That wasn't bad. 7.02 seconds. It could've been a lot worse."

Izuku shrugged. "I guess... There are seven more tests though, and I'm sure everyone will use their quirks to produce some extraordinary results. On the other hand, I have this power that will break my body if I use it once." His face darkened as he spoke in a mutter, the way only he and Izumina did when deep in thought.

Izumina felt a twinge of guilt as he spoke. Feeling as though her teleportation had given her an unfair advantage in the first test. "Well, Aizawa sensei said the next test would be grip strength. I feel like you can do well on that, even without using your quirk. I mean look at your abs! You got ripped over the last few months."

"I-Izumi!" Izuku blushed as Izumina burst into fits of giggles.

"I'm only teasing. You're like my little brother. I gotta mess with you every once in a while, especially in front of the pretty girl." Izumina tilted her head in Uraraka's direction, which only caused Izuku to flush an even deeper shade of red. Izumina burst out laughing again.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Uraraka asked as she picked up two dynamometers from a pile and handed them over. "You two are muttering a lot. How can you even understand what the other is saying?"

Izumina chuckled. "Years of practice I guess."

Uraraka smiled as she picked up a dynamometer for herself. Across the gym, Mina called her over, and with a friendly wave, Uraraka left to join her.

Izumina waved after her before turning to Izuku. "It's all about control. Remember to visualize the image."

"The image of the egg not exploding," Izuku mumbled, remembering the advice All Might had given him a few weeks before school, telling him to come up with a mental image for the containment of One For All. Izuku gripped down on the handheld dynamometer, clenching his eyes tightly as he did so. Izumina watched him as the machine beeped and he opened his eyes. Izumina didn't have to read the machine to know he'd done poorly, she could tell by the way his eyes widened. She leaned over the dynamometer to see his results.

"56 kilograms on the dot. That's pretty good. Probably better than I could do."

Izumina thought back to Aizawa's words.

'Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential and will be punished with expulsion.'

"All eight tests," Izumina thought. "Maybe if Izuku doesn't come last in all of them he'll be okay... He's stronger than me anyway, so what if I just..." Izumina clutched the dynamometer till she heard a beep. She opened her eyes to see her result.

"35 kilograms," Izumina muttered sadly, trying her best to hide her true intentions. Izuku eyed her skeptically before accepting defeat. Both of them knew she was weaker than him when it came to physical strength. The result was believable, and Izuku bought it.

"That's alright, Izumi. You placed first in the 50-metres, so don't let this bother you too much."

Izumina smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Yeah."

Izuku returned her smile, though it quickly disappeared when someone nearby yelled. "Wow! 540 kilograms?! What are you, a gorilla?"

Both Izumina and Izuku looked up to see a boy with straight black hair and strangely shaped elbows talking to a tall boy with multiple arms.

"Oh, an octopus?" The boy with black hair corrected himself.

Izumina could've sworn she heard someone say 'octopuses are sexy' but she chose to brush it off as she chuckled awkwardly. "Good job, octopus guy," she called enthusiastically.

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