Chapter 28: Friendship At Its Finest

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Note: The picture above is Izumina's hero costume. I drew it myself and tried my best to do justice to how I'd imagined it (if that makes sense 😅). Anyways thanks a million for 5k reads and I hope you enjoy the chapter.                                                                                                                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next day Izumina, once again, changed into her uniform, making sure to wear a pair of black leggings under her skirt just as she'd done the day before. Sighing as she remembered to fasten the yellow pin to her tie, Izumina set out to Izuku's house and headed to the train station once she'd met up with her best friend.

The second day at U.A. was just as the handouts from class had explained. The first half of the day consisted of regular required classes, such as English taught by Present Mic, which Izumina couldn't help but enjoy. Present Mic started the class off by writing four sentences on the board and asking the students of 1-A which of them was wrong. Izumina, having learned English in school back in Quebec, smiled to herself. "This is too easy," she thought as Momo raised her hand to answer the question.

Izumina turned to Izuku, who sat to her right, and noticed he was subtly holding four fingers in her direction. "The relative pronoun is in the wrong place in number four," he said in a hushed voice.

Izumina nodded and gave Izuku a thumbs up from under her desk. "Correct, but all of them are kinda stiff. Nobody talks like that normally."

Izuku inwardly fist-pumped as Momo answered Present Mic's question for the class.

As Izumina turned towards the front of the class her gaze fell on a familiar head of ash-blond hair; Bakugou, who sat in front of her. Somehow the trio from Alder Junior High had found themselves seated in the same formation as last year; With Izumina and Izuku seated side by side, and Bakugou in front of Izumina in the row closest to the wall. Izumina thought it was a shame the classroom didn't have a window, considering how often she'd enjoyed staring out the one in her middle school's classroom.

Izumina knew she would have to catch Bakugou by himself at some point that day and talk to him. The next step was simply a question of how.


At lunchtime, Izumina ate in the main cafeteria with Uraraka, Iida, and of course, Izuku. Having missed her opportunity to talk to Bakugou upon leaving the classroom, Izumina resolved to confront the boy in the second half of the day.

Izumina'd brought a boxed lunch that day but was pleasantly surprised to learn that she could buy gourmet food for reasonable prices, courtesy of the cafeteria's main chef: The Cook Hero: Lunch Rush.

"I'd love to try some of Lunch Rush's rice," Izumina stated as she ate the leftover noodles she had brought with her. "I heard he uses his quirk while he cooks, which makes it taste much better than any ordinary bowl of white rice."

Uraraka grinned between mouthfuls of her miso soup, which she too had brought from home. "Me too. It sounds super yummy!"

As the pro hero made his way around the cafeteria, stopping at tables to greet all the new students, Izumina found herself digging her wallet out of her backpack to buy a bowl of rice from the retired hero, which just so happened to be the cheapest item on the menu. Even though she had brought her own food, Izumina couldn't resist trying some of the famous hero's cooking.

The chef stopped at the four student's table and asked if he could get them anything else to eat, offering up several items from the cafeteria's menu.

Izumina smiled at Uraraka before handing the hero some money and ordering two bowls of white rice.

Lunch Rush excused himself into the kitchen before returning with Izumina's order. "White rice is great comfort food, isn't it?" Lunch Rush made conversation as he placed the bowls in front of Izumina, who slid one across the table to Uraraka.

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