Chapter 26: The Results

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"Wh-What's with that power?!"

Izumina glanced to her side and saw Bakugou's face of shock, his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. His eyebrows knit into a furious expression, which Izumina had seen only too many times before. Which could only mean one thing...

He was pissed.

"Everyone's quirks manifest by the age of four," Bakugou growled under his breath. "This is unthinkable! But in reality..."

Izumina gulped. She had to do something before he went off on Izuku. "Kacchan... I mean, Katsuki," she muttered as she reached out a hand to place on his shoulder. "I have some confessions to make. I know it's been a confusing first day for you, especially with Izuku and I... but you have to listen to me. Let me talk to you first before you go and explode--"

"What is the meaning of this?" Izumina flinched at the tone in Bakugou's rising voice. "Hey," he yelled, shoving Izumina's hand off him and taking off at a run in Izuku's direction.

"My gods," Izumina thought as Izuku looked up from his injured finger to Bakugou's figure. "He's gonna kill him!"

"Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard," Bakugou exclaimed as he gained on Izuku.

Izuku's shoulders stiffened as he let out a cry of fear. His hair stood on end as Bakugou reached out to grab him.

Izumina knew in her heart of hearts that most of Bakugou's rage was directed at her. After all, she'd showed up at U.A. that morning with not one, but multiple quirks, and a new name. She was supposed to be his friend. Even if she resented him for Izuku's sake, friends don't lie to each other like that. It would be her fault if Bakugou and Izuku fought again, and she wasn't about to let that happen.

She teleported. Her body rematerializing in the tiny distance still left between her two childhood friends. Then, she held out her arms. "Stop it Katsuki! He didn't do anything wrong!"

To Izumina's disbelief, he stopped, but not because of her words. Izumina blinked, only to find Aizawa's scarf had once again shot away from the teacher's neck to wrap around a student. Only this time, that student was Bakugou. And he did not look happy.

Bakugou's hand was inches away from Izumina's face by the time the scarf had restrained him. He held it midair as he made eye contact with her. The expression in his crimson eyes held a spark of hurt, at the fact that Izumina had not only lied to him but was now standing between him and his target: Deku. He ripped his gaze away from hers and struggled to turn his head as he looked over his shoulder at Aizawa.

"What the--? These cloths are hard..!" Bakugou spoke through gritted teeth as Aizawa's scarf stayed firm against his forehead and chest.

Izumina lowered her arms to her sides as Aizawa approached them. "They're a capture weapon made of carbon fibre woven together with metal wire made from a special alloy," Aizawa explained, answering Bakugou's statement nonchalantly. The homeroom teacher of class 1-A's face darkened as he breathed his next words. "Jeez. Don't keep making me have to use my quirk over and over. I have dry eyes."

Aizawa lifted his head to reveal two glowing red eyes, further proving that he had indeed erased Bakugou's quirk for trying to attack Izuku.

"It's such a waste since his quirk is so amazing," Izumina heard the class exclaim.

Izumina exhaled a sigh of relief at her teacher's intervention. Usually, she was able to make Bakugou see reason, but the way he looked at her when she stood between him and Izuku made her not too sure.

Aizawa released his hold on the capture weapon and closed his eyes, to which his hair flopped back into its regular style: a messy heap by his shoulders. "We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready."

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