Chapter 30: Kacchan, Deku, And Aho

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Izumina heard another explosion as she rounded a corner. Her cape billowed behind her before flopping over her shoulder as she made the sharp turn. She huffed before clicking a button on the side of her neck guard, vacuuming up the blue fabric through the sides before it fell against her shoulder blades as a hood.

"I won't do so much damage that this fight gets stopped, but I'm gonna get close!" Izumina heard Bakugou's voice boom throughout the hallway. She must've been getting close.

Sprinting down corridor after corridor, Izumina followed the sound of muffled voices and fighting. Not wanting to risk mishearing the shuffles, Izumina decided against using her air quirk as a booster, and she knew better than to risk teleporting in a building she wasn't familiar with. It would be a waste of concentration and energy to teleport to the end of a hallway just to turn and do the same to another.

"My 'Deku' isn't always going to mean 'useless'!" Izumina spun on her heels as she recognized Izuku's voice and sprinted down the hall she thought she'd heard it from. "Kacchan, my 'Deku' means 'You can do it!'"

Izumina noticed Uraraka's pink hero costume and slid to a stop behind the girl. She glanced over Uraraka's shoulder to see Izuku and Bakugou engaged in a ferocious battle. Izuku's face mask had been torn in half, revealing a mess of curly green hair on one side.

'Jeez! Did Kacchan blast him in the face,' Izumina exclaimed internally. Izumina noticed as Uraraka's eyes widened at Izuku's words. Surprised by how much her words had affected him.

"Deku," Bakugou growled as he stood from the floor. Izumina wondered if Izuku had managed to knock him down before she'd arrived. "Even though you're scared..." Bakugou's claw-shaped hands emitted sparks in a threatening manner.

Izuku's jaw clenched, to which Izumina stepped forwards without thinking.

"Oh, Izumi," Uraraka muttered upon realizing the girl's presence. Izumina grimaced at the boys before her, barely hearing Uraraka's words.

"That's what I hate about you!" Bakugou screamed furiously. Izumina knew this wouldn't be a civil fight. It could get ugly in so many ways, and Bakugou had already admitted his intent to push the limits of the fight. Izumina felt her hands curl into fists at her side.

"Stop it..." Izumina's voice was barely a whisper, but the boys heard it nonetheless. Both pairs of eyes fell on Izumina, who stepped towards them slowly. "Enough with all this hatred! I get that you guys don't get along, but saying you hate someone who's done nothing to you is just cruel, Katsuki!"

Izumina internally scolded herself as she felt tears begin to brim her eyes, blurring the corners of her vision. Both boys stared in shock upon seeing the girl get so emotional in the middle of a training exercise. Izumina sniffed before aggressively wiping her eye with the back of her hand.

"Izumi..." Izuku started, but she cut him off before he could finish.

"No! I get that you need to fight for the sake of this exercise, but words matter! You hear that, Kacchan? Words matter more than anything in the world!" Izumina tensed as she felt a tear slip down her cheek. Her cheeks flushed a light pink knowing that her classmates would be seeing her like this, however, she couldn't stand to see her two oldest friends fighting like that. If she could even call Bakugou her friend still. Izumina recalled the feeling she'd felt when Izuku told her Bakugou had told him to kill himself. She remembered that feeling, as though someone had punched her in the gut.

Words... It pained Izumina to know that people could take them for granted. How they could throw them around so easily. How nobody understood the pain she felt not being able to talk to her father at home. They should know better.

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