No. 9 Altruistic Dreams

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¤ Book title and author - Altruistic Dreams by IslandApricot
Genre : Short story

¤ First impression - At first read, I thought the summary was short but on a second thought, the book is a short story maybe it works well with it.

¤ Weakness  - Only weakness I found was lack of important descriptions. Describing what the characters look like, hair color, body weight, height,  skin shade, tone of voice, what they wearing at certain time of the day.

¤ Improvement - You could add more details to describing the characters.

¤ Strengths - Brilliant story idea. Beautiful  characterization. Good diction. Well written work.


¤ Opening - Opening was really catchy and gripping.

¤ Conflict - There's a silent conflict going within the household and it tends to grow as the story progressed.

¤ Plot - Beautiful plotting for a short story. From the first paragraph of the prologue to the last sentence of the last chapter, it is clear that that the plotting was professionally done.

The story is written in such a way  that readers could also participate and follow in what is happening with the characters. Good.

¤ Setting - The story has a homely settings surrounding it. Although most of the locations was not consistent in some scenes but the mood of the story showcased a typical family setting.

¤ Characterization - With the brief introduction of the characters at the beginning of the book, reading was made easier. Each character had his own unique qualities - Kaelen, Zahir, Onfroi, Cyyril just as their names.

¤ Dialogue - Dialogue was perfect.
Each character had his tone of speaking which added flavor in their conversation.

¤ Point of View - Each point of view of the story turned out super amazing. Each character had his own temperament and voice that are flowed naturally through the story.

Some chapters was written in the present tense example chapter five, while others used the past tense, maybe it was deliberate from the author or not.

¤ Show versus tell - There is a complete balance of appropriate telling and showing in the scenes.

¤ Format of the text - Good paragraphing. Text was readable. Short chapters with gripping scenes.

¤ Grammar and spelling - Apart from a few typos and missing words, grammar and spelling was on point.

¤ Style - Very stable and engaging writing style


Comment - This is one beautiful piece of short story I have read on wattpad. Most intricately woven, really applaudable.

The book cover however gives off the vibes of a usual romantic book which may turn away readers at first especially those who are not fans of romance books. But if you can get a more detailed cover that suits the main characters of the story, I think it will make  a difference.

Also your story is great, it doesn't need total rewriting just proper editing of the chapters.

Thanks for letting me evaluate your book.

Any comments or questions about any confusion just DM me or hit the comments.


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