No. 25 Chances Worth Taking

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#Book title and author – Chances Worth Taking by readers_society
Genre – Romance

#First impression – Book summary...

Fey’s parents are constantly fighting and when she finds out they are getting a divorce, things seems to continue on a messy downward slope. Just when Fey is about to give up on her passion for writing, Logan uproots her even further, challenging her to have an optimistic view of life and to create her own destiny. The only thing stopping her from making new memories is herself.

This piece of summary is actually a character arc summary. You just gave a summary of who Fey is.

#Weakness – One - Talking about more than three different ideas in one paragraph.

Example, somewhere in chapter on says,

This happens to be a group of girls walking in my direction, a group of girls who I immediately recognize as cheer squad members from my high school. They catch my eye because they are extremely loud and obnoxious, as they hurdle around each other, taking up the entire width of the sidewalk...

Two - Too much character (Fey) soliloquizing at almost everything that happens to her.

There were some phrases that was reoccurring at some point. These phrases hindered the flow of the story.


I think…

I thought…

I look…

I stare…

As if…

What if…

If only I could…

All I can think is…

If I can get…

I might have…

#Improvement – Separate ideas in different paragraphs. Use straightforward words to relate Fey’s thoughts.  

#Strengths – Good writing style. Good diction. Amazing story idea.


#Opening – I’ve perfected the art of tuning out the heated arguments that echo from the kitchen every morning. today’s chosen method is Neil Young, blasting as loud as possible in my headphones as I get ready for an afternoon at the outdoor shopping center. it is my favorite place to avoid life’s problem and plot short stories based on the mom and daughter...

And the list goes on and on… without end.

You started with
👉🏾 perfecting the art of tuning out,

👉🏾Then as I got ready for an afternoon at the out door shopping center

👉🏾Then the place is favorite place to avoid life’s problems

👉🏾Then plot short stories based on mom and daughter

And so on.

Too many ideas going on, in this opening paragraph.

Like I mentioned earlier, you write about more than three different ideas in one paragraph and this opening is an example.

Maybe you should start by showing how the parents got into the argument, what exactly are they arguing about, show an introduction of a typical morning/day in Fey’s life.

#Conflict - There is no strong conflict.

#Setting – Settings of the story is well written.

#Characterization – Characters are not fully developed. Logan and his crew characters and personalities was not fully expressed.

#Dialogue- Good dialogue among characters.

#Point of view- Story is written from first person point of view.

#Show versus tell-  There is more telling than showing.

#Format of the text- Paragraphing was done properly.

#Grammar and spelling- Good diction. No punctuation errors. There are some long sentences that need to be separated with semi colons.

#Style- Writing style is very strong and engaging.


#Comments- Chances Worth Taking is a quite a catchy title for a romance book. Work on your cover, it's a bit blurry and fonts are not clear. Characters are relatable but trying expanding their background information. Learn to show what is happening in some scenes so that readers can relate with the situations.

Good  luck as you complete the rest of your book.

Thanks for letting me evaluate your book.

Any comments or questions about any confusion just PM me or hit the comments.

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