No. 10 Stereotypical

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¤ Book title and author - Stereotypical by katalinalitana
Genre - Teen fiction

¤ First impression - Summary... The book description didn't seem to have that effect of the actual story. It sounded a little bland and forceful.

¤ Weakness - One thing I noticed is the order of activities in a chapter. It's not a weakness though but might be your way of writing.

¤ Improvement - Try rephrasing the summary, make it more realistic with few details of what lead to what. Example about the girl, Thandiwe, if she made a choice or made a mistake, and the guy Tyler what are his real intentions towards the girl in the story.

For the order of activities, you might want to start from telling the location of the scene, describe a little about what is going on, then the characters can come in.

Almost all the chapters, characters came first, you can switch it up in other chapters by bringing location first then gradually build the scene. Especially for this first chapters where readers are still getting to know about the story.

¤ Strengths - Well developed writing style. Good diction. Good character development and background story.


¤ Opening - Chapter one started with Tyler going to school which made me 'cock my eyebrows in thought.'

Are we reading the story from Tyler's angle, while Thandiwe is like a sub character or what?

¤ Conflict - No conflict for the story right now. The mental or moral struggle expected from the main character is been pushed to the background and more of normal school activities is taking place.

Since our baby girl is already pregnant, there needs to be more conflicts to boost up the story.

¤ Plot - Good story plotting.

¤ Setting - The story settings is clearly defined.

¤ Characterization - Good relatable characters.

The fact that Thandiwe always stares, smiles, walks away and says little or nothing at all is a little off (at times though) I understand she's trying to be strong and all, the kind of words she says and how she responds to problems both in school and at home will help build her character through the story.

More attention is going to Clarissa and Tyler.
Thandiwe needs more screen time, especially at the beginning. Let's get to know her meet her family, understand how she thinks, know her personal beliefs etc

¤ Dialogue - Good dialogue with the characters.

¤ Point of View - Written from a third person pov, well I think it suits the story since you have a strong writers voice.

¤ Show versus tell - Perfect blend of both sides.

¤ Format of the text - paragraphing is good. Text is readable. Chapters length is appropriate.

¤ Grammar and spelling - Grammar and spelling is on point.

¤ Style - Writing style is well developed. Every detail in both the dialogue and settings is well written in the right diction.


Comment - Your writing style is superb. Like its so straight and so katalinalitana... I totally forgot I was reading a teen fiction book. (I suppose to sound professional while critiquing but can't help it).

The story itself needs more conflicts, Thandiwe as a character need to be revamped, either she is super tough or super cool not somewhere in between.

The title 'stereotypical' is quite catchy but I would suggest if you add a subtitle just underneath STEREOTYPICAL, that will point readers to a direction in terms of the idea or themes you have for the story. Anything can be made to a stereotype based on different options or conception.

I enjoy reading your book.

Thanks for letting me evaluate your book.

Any comments or questions about any confusion just PM me or hit the comments.


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