romantic walks

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Richard's Pov

Now my mind is soley about making Lexie comfirrtsbke at mine. Now i know the police would think that im a you know what I know that im looking after my fan. Anyway shes  ot my fan now shes my girlfriend so she deserves my attenion.

It was a Sunday morning I awoke in Richard's bed, I thought was odd I wondered whether Richard had might of carried me into his room. I rubbed my eyes I smelt coffee brewing then I heard the Radio blaring away the station I'm stood there with my hair everywhere and my silk gown wrapped around me
Richard said " Goodmorning darling I thought you might have been still in bed"! I smile at him grabbing a cup to pour myself some coffee, suddenly Richard sneaks up behind me and says whispering gently in my ear " Did you sleep well"? I reply spinning around " somehow I did but how did I end up in you're bed babe"? Richard says " I thought you might be uncomfortable in the bed in the box room so I carried you into my room he whispers into my ear again  " I thought you'd be more comfortable"! I say " Oh did you now"? I tease him " I was perfectly comfortable in the bed in the box room"! Richard laughs at me I put my arms around his neck I should ask him whether he slept well, " Did you enjoy your sleep"? Richard says " Yeah I did"! I said " what about a nice morning walk along the river"? Richard says " You can't be serious"! I say " yes I'm being deadly serious"! He tries to find every possible reason not to go out I say " You're coming out with me and that's that"!

Richard grabs me by my arm, he said " Where are you going"? I reply " I'm going to get a shower I don't want to stink ......... Like you"! Richard laughs mischievously " I beg your pardon"! I say " You heard"! He tried to tease me I said " Stop it I'm going now"! I say shutting the white kitchen behind me seeing him standing there with that morning face on him i baby get enough of it. I quickly ran up the stairs and quietly shut the bathroom door, I switched the shower on and got undressed.

I did spend 10 minutes in the shower and then I came out. Went into the box room where my clothes were clean i might add. I grabbed my clothes a white stretched t shirt blue Flare Jean's and my white Jean jacket, I decided to put my high heeled boots on when I came down stairs Richard saw me  he says " You look beautiful"! I say " Do i"? Richard replys " yes you do"!
Richard says " give me 10 minutes I'll be ready I get second thoughts of wearing my high heeled boots I ran back upstairs and put my walking boots on. I sigh " I'm ready"! I'm in the kitchen and drinking my coffee. Richard came out of his room after brushing his teeth, he says " I don't normally get out on a Sunday.

Richard says " I'm ready"! It was spring morning in June as we start walking he looks at me and takes me by surprise when he says " Have you ever thought of ......... Marriage"? I reply " No not really why"? Richard replys " really? You surprise me not even you were little wearing the beautiful white wedding dress"!
I say " yes of course I did but since then I haven't been thinking about it"!

After this we dudnt speak after that we just you know enjoy the walk that I suggested and of which he tried to refuse I knew why Richard refused

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