Hospital Dash

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We arrived at the hospital when Richard was there Sarah Jane alerted him. " Hey you? Says he squeezing my hand " what's happened"? I answer " you know what I haven't got a clue why I'm here"! Sarah Jane piped up " its because collapsed at home luckily I found you"! I say wearily " Did I"? Richard never thought that I could have been unwell when he left me this morning.
The paramedics did the handover at the desk then wheeled me into one of the bays.  I knew that Richard was supposed to be on set and so I said " Richard! Hage you told the director that you won't be in because I'm so unwell. About half an hour in  yo my stay in the ED (emgergancy department) a doctor wearing scrubs I assumed hed been in theatre all day but they all dress like this genuinely. " Hello my name is Dr Cooper I will be taking care of you today looking at Richard who moved his chair towards ED bed I lay on. " this is my partner Richard"! He stood up to shake his hand " nice to meet you doc"! Normally Richard would receive a young woman doctor with a kiss on the hand but this is a hospital not a dating agency.
Dr Cooper asked " lexie is there any chance you could be pregnant"? I look at Richard with a worried on my face, then I turn back to dr Cooper " no chance whatsoever"! Richard pressed my hand against his lips when he said " darling would it be so bad if we're to have a baby"? I reply in haste tasting a bitter taste in my mouth " yes it would besides I wouldn't want yo have children yet I want to live my life first"! Says I.

Richard says " I can understand this sweetheart"! Holding my hand, he says " I know you want to live your life and carry on with your career"! Richard kisses my hand, dr Cooper comes back " hi doc what's the news"? Richard squeezes my hand gently dr Cooper began to talk " hi lexie I have got some good news for you and this young man ......... I wait with baited breath ........ dr Cooper says " I'm please to report that you are pregnant"! I am shocked at this point, ........ I said " pardon? I can't be pregnant can I"? Dr Cooper says " yes i am afraid you are"! Richard has tears in his eyes, he placed his hand on my 3 month pregnant belly"!

" I'm going to be a dad"! Says Richard wiping his tears from his face I say " why are you crying"? Richard replys choking " I'm just trying to get my head around it"! I reply " what? That I'm pregnant with your son or daughter"! Dr Cooper came back " Lexie have you had a scan yet"? I reply " no no I haven't"! Dr Cooper says " right I'll organise one"!

I turn to look at a worried Richard I ask him " is anything the matter darling"? Richard replys smiling shortly " oh its nothing I was thinking about my mum and what she'd make of being a grandmother again"! He takes a moment to remember her face then he looked directly into my eyes stroking my hair with his thump then planting a kiss on it I should probably tell Chris. I manage to say " what about your dad about the baby"! He gives his cheeky smile " of course hes going to be a granddad for 2nd time"!
I couldn't believe what I had heard dr Cooper say the words still rang in my ears. Richard says " what are we going to call her or him"? I say warily smiling " you know I haven't got a Scooby"! Richard laughs heartily " there's a good name Scooby"! I reply with a serious look on my face " angel we are not calling our son or even daughter Scooby right"! Richard replys laughing " I was only teasing you"! Richard sat in the chair with a thinking face on.

I'm lying there in the ED bed then the porter came to take me for my three month baby altersound scan we both wanted to see he or she

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I'm lying there in the ED bed then the porter came to take me for my three month baby altersound scan we both wanted to see he or she. I had no idea what sex the baby was. I was just so tired I fell asleep and Richard came with me.
The next thing I knew I was lying the bed with the cold jelly on my three month bump. The radiographer Katie I think she said her name was I could hear her voice talking to Richard. " this is dad"? I smile at him he sits almost glued to the monitor watching to see the baby. I'm half asleep at this point and I rub my eyes to see the monitor whe n all of a sudden this alien like shaped thing I I instantly started to feel emotional as did Richard.

I asked Katie what sex the baby was " Can you tell what sex it is"? Katie smiles " it's a boy"! I feel choked up and I look at Richard hes in tears " hey you what's wrong didn't you hear what Katie just told us " we're having a baby boy"! Richard replys almost in a laugh " a baby boy"? I say " yes darling a baby boy shh shh dont tell anyone apart from out immediate family and friends"!
Richard knew that he had to the right thing to provide for his family. Suddenly like a bolt out of nowhere Richard says " lexie sweetheart will you marry me"? I can't speak for a moment then I say " you want me to marry you Richard"!

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