Going home

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Next morning

After being the hospital overnight dr Cooper discharged me now that they've found our what's wrong with me. It was about half 10 when Richard arrived to get me I'm happy to see him he says " Goodmorning my angel I thither you were still ne asleep"! I reply " God no sleeping on that thing you must he joking"! He smiles at me and squeezes my hand dr cooper wasn't on that morning so we just left the hospital as the doctors were all busy with other patients that were more seriously unwell than me. Once outside the breeze hit me in the face " that's nice"! I say he opend the passaager side door for me and helps get in " Mind the little one"! He says shortly in a chuckle I can't help but laugh at what hes just said. " I know I know ( big sigh😤) "! Richard shuts the door and walks around to see his side (him being the driver) I  knew I'd be safe with Richard because I've been in a car with him before. I couldn't fault Richard's driving he was so careful when I was in the car with him, we drove through central London we drove past Buckingham palace I sw three gaurds guarding the Queens residence of course she wasn't there she was at Windsor.
When we arrived in the street the gates opened and Richard gently pulled onto her gravel driveway, I knew that it was going to unsafe underfoot, I didn't move out of the car until Richard opened the car door. He came to my side " Come here my sweetness ready one two three up I say " I'm up"! He gently guided me into the house so I was stable he had laminated flooring so he boots clicked on the wooden floor. Before I could say a word he'd got in the kitchen diner thingy and sat me down and told me to rest, I say " it's not going to be easy resting on this chair"! So I got up and went to the sofa"!
Richard said " I thought I told you not move missy"! I reply giggling like the giddy little girl that she is. " you did but I thought  I'd be more comfortable on the sofa"! Richard laughs " so? You think you can get the better of me do you"? I thought " yeah why not"! Sure enough Richard returned to the kitchen diner he shouts " I'm putting the kettle on"! The kettke went off Click and he made the coffees " here we go Careful because it's hot"! Since we've found out that I'm pregnant Richard's been taking real good care of me he won't let me any heavy lifting or nothing. I managed to climb out of bed but a sleepy Richard was stil asleep j tried to awake him because hed got work but he didn't want to leave me alone in  the house.

By next  week I should be around 4 months pregnant and Richards instructed me to take it easy.  You see it's easy for the both of us to work because that way we get  more money  coming in to spend on baby Armitage. Back to this morning though I awoke about 6 throwing my guts up (morning sickness) and oh God I woke him up he shot though the bathroom door " sweetness are you alright"? Says he rubbing my back gently whilst being horribly unwell, " Oh jayus christ I wish this bloody morning sickness would stop"! I said angrily.  Richard replys kissing the back my head " don't worry once you  hit the final stages it"ll stop I promise"! There was nothing worse than being suck in the loo for hours on end. I say to Richard crying (😭😭😭) "I shouldn't be putting you  though this you've got enough to worry about angel"! He said shortly " oh lex sweetness come here"! After throwing up everywhere for half an hour I'd finally stopped I sat on the bathroom floor in floods of tears Richard bent down to cuddle me, " hey shh shh I'm here ....... don't be silly you know I'm always here"! I on the other hand couldn't get why I had been like this all the way though.
Eventually Richard got me downstairs and sat me on the sofa pushing my hair out of the way. " sit tight angel"! He kissed on the forehead. Richard said " we've got to start thinking about a nursery for this one"! I laugh " Babe I'm only 3 months gone"! Trying to swallow my coffee. He replys " I know it's better to be safe than sorry isnt it"! I gave sigh " supposing you're right"! Rich laughs heartily " I know I'm right"!

Sorry this chapter is short ......

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