flying all day

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Richard and I were returning to the Home of Middle earth as we were in the airport waiting to board the plane bound for Wellington. Richard says " just going to grab a coffee back in a bit"! Kissing me on the head, out of the corner I recognised someone I knew ....... it was James Nesbitt with his two kids who also had roles in the second hobbit film. I tried to wave at him he never noticed until Richard returned a moment or two later. James walks over and shook Richard by the hand he says " how are doing mate"? Richard replys smiling " we're doing really well thanks James"! James twisted his head, " she isn't is she"? Whispers James Richard nodded happily " I'm afraid so"! James gave me a kiss on the cheek " thanks James"! He says " well Richard a dad at last eh congratulations I can tell you this once that babys born .......... Your not going no sleep then"! He (James) pretty much guessed I was you know pregnant. Richard laughs heartily " yep no sleep for expecting mummy or daddy"! James made a joke out of the situation " no you can't be can you Richard"! We all just cracked up laughing. Even I was in fits of laughter and even baby boy felt it. Well that's what Richard like to call him for now until we're both decided on a name for the little one.
I was sat on a uncomfortable chair I was more happy sitting the couch where it was comfortable at least for now. Just then James asked where we headed, " where are you two off too"? Asks he (both in unison) " we're off to New Zealand to spend some time travelling there James twisted his head " where are you staying"? Richard replys " me and lexie are staying at Peter's house in Wellington"! James twisted head and winked at me " that's handy so are we just me and the girls this time peggy and Mary"! No sooner as Mary saw Richard she belting over running towards him she shouts " Richhhard"! He scoops her into his arms to give her a hug James's eldest Daughter Peggy stood back and watched Mary hugging Richard. James says " Peg you remember Richard don't you"? She replys " vaguely"! James says " he was Throin Oakenshield"! Peggy immediately rushed forward to give a hug he did the same to peggy as what he did to Mary, peggy starts laughing, James says " I'll tell you what we'll go together as a military troop"!

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