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A few days later

I did look Megan up and her music is fire I also did some research on her and I found out that she's in college. This is my first time shooting a music video and at first I was nervous but I talked to my mama and she calmed my nerves. Everything is all set up for Megan and her dancers I'm just waiting on her to arrive. When Jada heard that I was doing a video she wanted to come along but she had classes and she wasn't missing them and I didn't need her fan-girling while I work. I sent up a prayer to God.

"Good morning Mr. Robinson," I turned seeing Bianca Megan's producer.

"Good morning Ms. Jones."

"Megan is five minutes away."

"Okay that's fine."

"Everything is set up for her right?"



I walked over to my lights and adjusted them.

"So is this your first video?"

"With a celebrity yes."

"Megan is really down the earth just don't fuck up and you're good."

"I won't I got this."

"Good she should be outside let me go get her."

I nodded Bianca walked away I picked up my camera and snapped a few pictures of the green back drop. I walked over to my editing screens and laptop I looked at the pictures liking what I saw I moved the pictures and the screens showed the green back drop. I turned seeing Megan and her entire team walking in damn she's beautiful without makeup.

"So sorry I'm late."

"No need to apologize Ms. Pete."


"Megan head on over to your dressing room and get ready for the video."

"Okay thanks Aysia," Aysia nodded and Megan walked off.

The woman walked over to me.

"You really fine."

"Thank you."

"After the shoot end you and I should do something."

"As beautiful as you are that will have to be a no for me."

Aysia was taken aback.

"But you just called me beautiful."

"Yeah you are but I'm not interested in you I like that."

"You must have a girlfriend?"

"No but I have my eyes on someone."

"She can't be finer than me."

"You're right she's drop dead gorgeous and she's the beautiful woman in the universe to me not the world."

"Aysia quit harassing Mr. Robinson," Bianca spoke as she walked over to us.

Aysia sucked her teeth and walked away.

"I'm sorry about Aysia Mr. Robinson she's like a dog in heat when she's a man."

I held back my laughter.

"I see that but Bianca call me Jaceyon not Mr. Robinson."

She nodded.

"Megan should be ready within an hour."

"Okay I rented this entire space out for three days just in case we don't finish the entire video today."

"Oh wow you really thought all of this out."


My phone rung I went in my pocket seeing it was Eric.

"Excuse me."

Bianca nodded I stepped away and answered my phone. I put a lot of thought into this video and how I want the concept of the video to go and the only person I trust besides my family is Eric so I got him helping me with this video and whatever I get paid I'm going to break him off.

1 hour later

Megan is out of hair and makeup and she's dressed for the first part of the video I walked over to her.

"Okay so for the beginning of the video will he outside."


"Yeah trust me."

Megan nodded we all walked outside I grabbed Megan hand and lead her over to the old school big body red Chevy.

"You're going to come around this corner in this car as the beginning of the video once you get in front of me and my camera you can start and start rapping."

"Okay is there a way you want me to sit in the car once I stop?"

"On top of the seat is fine."

"Alright I got it."

"If you're not in the video please step to the side ladies make your way into the Chevy," I spoke as I walked over to my camera.

I had went out and bought the equipment that video producers and movie producers have to make their videos and movies come to life. Just because Ima rookie in this industry don't mean I don't know what I'm doing before I got into the drug game I used to take pictures of myself and my family along with creating our home videos.

Hours later

So far the Realer video is dope as hell Jaceyon really is doing his thing I thought that we would take two days to shoot this video but we did it one day. After changing back into my clothes and removing all of my makeup I walked out seeing Aysia trying to get Jaceyon attention but he's not paying her any mind as he packed up his things. I walked over to them Jaceyon looked up from his things.

"The video was dope thank you."

"Nah I should be thanking you for even allowing me to have this opportunity even though I was an ass towards you."

"That's in the past I can't wait to see the edited cut of the video."

"I'll get it back to your team by next week."

"Damn you move quick for a rookie."

"My priority is always my client that I'm working with at the time today we created a dope ass video that only took a day to shoot."

"You're right about that."

"Enjoy the rest of your night Megan."

"You too Jayceon."

He nodded and went back to packing his things and I walked away with Aysia right on my heels.

"He wants me."

"Who Jayceon?"

"Yeah he's playing hard to get but it won't be long until he's mine."

"Okay A."

I'm really getting close to firing Aysia's ass cause everytime I have to work with a guy who's handsome or in her words fine as hell she just gotta throw herself towards the men and honestly it's not cute and definitely not a good look for me. I said my goodbyes to my team I yawned and opened the back door to my SUV.


I looked seeing Jaceyon walking towards me.


"I was wondering if we can grab breakfast, lunch, or dinner to get to know each other more and possibly become friends."

"Uh sure breakfast is fine."


I handed Jaceyon my phone and he handed me his phone we exchanged numbers then we both said goodnight and I got in the SUV truck my driver drove off heading home. I already know that I'm going to have to call Kiana and tell her how the video shoot went since she couldn't make it.

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