
753 47 9

February 23, 2022

Me and Megan decided to have a small party for Jaxson for his first birthday and wait until he's older to go all out for him so that way he can remember every party we throw him.

"Jax say cheese," I spoke.

Jaxson squatted down like how I was then he smiled and I snapped a picture of him.

Jaxson squatted down like how I was then he smiled and I snapped a picture of him

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"I gotta send this to your mama."

I sent Megan the picture of Jaxson then I grabbed his hand and we made our way inside of the barbershop.

"Wassup Jace."

"Wassup Q."

"What can I do for you?"

"Jax needs a tape."

"Alright bring him on over."

I lead Jaxson over to Quentin station and picked him up placing him in the chair. Quentin placed the smock around Jaxson neck and got him ready for his tape. I responded back to Megan text then I had text Jada to see did she pick up Jaxson cake. Normally Quentin would come to the house but he was booked here at the shop so I had told him that me and Jaxson would come to him.

Thirty minutes later I paid Quentin and dapped him up I picked Jaxson up and we walked out of the barbershop heading towards my car. I unlocked my car doors and placed Jaxson in his carseat and strapped him in. After I double checked to make sure that he is secured I closed the back door and got in the driver seat.


I walked into the house and closed the front door with my foot I carried Jaxson upstairs to his room I laid him down in his crib and covered him up with his blanket. I turned his light off and walked out of his room closing the door behind me. I made my way back downstairs and helped my dad with setting up the decorations.

"Is Corey coming with the ice?"

"Yeah him and Kelsey should be here soon."

"Babe where is Jax?"

"Upstairs in his room sleep he fell asleep on the way back from the barbershop."

"I hope you didn't cut his hair."

"Nah baby I just had Q to give him a tape."

"Where's is the birthday boy," Jada asked as she walked in with the cake.

"Upstairs taking a nap by the time everyone get here he'll be up soon."


"I'll show you where to place the cake," Megan spoke.

Megan and Jada walked out of the foyer and into the kitchen.

After the decorations was up I made my way outside to start up the grill for the hotdogs and hamburgers. Megan walked outside with the pan of hotdogs she handed me the pan and I placed them on the grill and sat the pan down and closed the grill down.

"What's wrong baby?"


"Meg you can't lie to me I know something is wrong so you might as well tell me now."

"Our baby is now 1 years old and soon he's not going to be a baby anymore."

"I know."

I continue to stare at Megan as she pouted we can start on another baby but I know that Megan is going to want to wait a little longer.


Time really has flown it doesn't even feel like that I gave birth a year ago to Jaxson but I have and soon my baby won't be a baby anymore.

"Soon he won't be a baby anymoreand he's not going to need us."

"Baby we have a long way until we reach that point."

"But he's my first baby."

"I know I helped you create him you're just being a little dramatic."

I let out a sigh.

"He's my baby Jace."

"We can always make another baby."

"I'll think about it I'm going to go check on Jax."

I turned and was about to walk away until Jaceyon smacked me on the ass I narrowed my eyes at him then I made my way inside of the house. I walked up the stairs going into Jaxson room I walked a little ways into the room seeing that he is still sleep I backed up out of his room and closed the door. I made my way back downstairs and into the living room I greeted everyone then I made my way into the kitchen.

"Is Jax still sleep?"

"Yeah Niyah he's still sleep and if he still sleep by the time the rest of the guests arrive I'm going to go and wake him up so he won't miss his party."


"I thought Jax first birthday party would be Cocomelon."

"He watches Cocomelon but it's not as much as he watch Paw Patrol so that's the theme we went with."

Janiyah nodded Kiana walked up to me with Ej in her arms Janiyah got Ej and they walked away.

"Is Eric going to be here?"

"Nah him and Jace aren't even friends anymore."

"Damn I didn't even know that."

"Yeah after him and Corey went over there things went left when mama Jordyn showed up."

Kiana shook her head I heard Jaxson call my name and I made my way upstairs I walked into his room and turned the light on.

"Happy Birthday mommy's baby."

Jaxson smiled as he stood in his crib I walked over to him and kissed all over his face then I walked over to the changing table I laid Jaxson down and got a diaper along with some wipes and changed him. I grabbed his birthday outfit and got him dressed I sprayed his hair with some water and combed out his curls then I picked him up and walked out of his room. We walked downstairs as soon as we got downstairs I put Jaxson down and watched as he made his way around the room and everyone greeted him. I would pin a birthday boy ribbon on his shirt but I know that he's not going to do anything but pull it right off.

I went outside and Jaceyon was just taking up the hotdogs I walked over to him and got the hotdogs Jaceyon kissed me and I made my way back inside to get the hamburgers to bring out to Jaceyon.

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