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Few days later

I walked into the diner and sat down I grabbed the menu and looked through it once I knew what I wanted I closed the menu back. A few minutes later a waiter came over and took my order then she took the menu and walked away.

"Glad you could meet me here," she spoke as she sat down in front of me.

"What do you want you've been calling my house repeatedly and my girl is getting suspicious," I spoke lowly.

"You know what I want."

I sighed.

"Keira I'm not doing that anymore."

"Then you gotta pay up."

"How much to make you go away?"

"A million."

"A million dollars are you crazy," I spoke loudly.

Everyone in the diner looked in our direction and I dropped my head.

"A million dollars," I spoke again this time lowly.

"Yep or I'm sending your girl and the media the videos of us having sex and ruin your little family."

I sighed and ran my hand down my face.

"Alright fine."

"Here's my bank account information you have 72 hours to place the million in my account or you can say bye bye to your little family."

Keira stood up and walked out of the diner I let out a sigh.

"Fuck," I mumbled.

"CUT," the director yelled.

I stood up from the booth.

"That was great Jaceyon."


"Moving on to the next scene."

I'm not in the next scene so I walked off of the set and made my way to my trailer one of the crew members walked over to me.

"Mr. Robinson you have a gift in your trailer."

"Okay does it say from who?"

"No sir it don't."

"Okay thanks."

He nodded and I continued walking towards my trailer. I'm finally stepping from behind the camera and being in front of the camera I'm giving this acting thing a shot so far I've been doing good.

I walked in my trailer seeing Megan I quietly closed the door and walked over to her wrapping my arms around her and she jumped slightly.

"So you're my gift?"

"I am I told the crew member Jordan to say that."

Megan turned in my arms and I kissed her then I bent down and kissed her belly.

"How's shooting so far?"

"It's going pretty good."

"That's good what's the movie about," we both sat down and I placed her feet in my lap.

"I can't give out too much information but it's about a guy getting caught up with his mistress and in order for him to get her to leave him alone he gotta pay her or she outs him to his girl and the media."

"Oh damn."

"Crazy right."

"Yeah it is. Are they're any sex scenes?"

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