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Later that day

I walked in the house and walked into the living room seeing Megan knocked out I lightly kissed her lips and she jumped a little and opened her eyes.

"It's only me baby," I spoke.

"Oh hey."

Megan sat up and I sat next to her I placed the food on the table along with the drinks.

"How you feeling?"


"I got you some wings and fries."

"Thank you baby."

"You're welcome."

I handed Megan her food she prayed over the food and opened the bag and started eating.

"How's my babies?"

"They're good I feel flutters a lot."

"That's good."

"It is I talked to Jax and he told me that Niyah took him to the zoo."

"He had fun," I asked.

"He did Niyah said that they took several pictures and she'll be sending them to me well I should have them already," Megan picked up her phone.

Megan let out a yawn as she checked her messages.

"After you finish eating you can go upstairs and take a nap."

"I'm sorry."

"What you're apologizing for baby? I know that you're tired so there's no need to apologize your energy will pick back up soon."

Megan nodded I grabbed my container of food I opened the container and started eating.

"While you're taking your nap I'm going to go grocery shopping."

"I want to go."

"You sure," I asked.

"Yeah I'm sure baby."

"Alright before we go Ima go check the cabinets and pantry."


"We gotta come up with names for the babies."

"Yeah we do."

"Are we keeping the JMR initials?"

"We don't have to."

"It's whatever you want," I said.

"And you have as much say so as I do."

"I'm sure we'll come up with some names."


We finished up with eating I threw the trash away and went through the cabinets, pantry and the refrigerator seeing what all we need while Megan is upstairs putting on her shoes.

"Babe I'm ready," Megan said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Alright I'm just about done."


Megan got on the counter and she watched me.

"Are we going to tell Jax that I'm pregnant before we tell the family?"

"Yeah so it won't be a shock to him but we have to tell him the same day we tell the family cause if we don't he just might slip up and tell before we do."


I finished up with the shopping list then we walked out of the kitchen I turned the light off and we walked down the hall heading to the garage.


Corey and Kelsey are here Corey is in the mancave with Jaceyon while me and Kelsey are in my room.

"So Kels it's been a minute since we last caught up with each other what's been going on with you."

"Nothing really just working and being a mom."

"Why you and Corey didn't bring my goddaughter with y'all?"

"We was going to but Corey mama came over this morning and picked her up."

"Oh okay."

"Wait a minute you got pregnant at the end of my pregnancy where is your baby?"

"I um had a miscarriage."

"You what?"

"I was pregnant with twins and I had a miscarriage."

"Why didn't no one tell me?"

"You was at the end of your pregnancy Kels and I didn't want you to be focusing on me I wanted you to focus on my goddaughter plus at the time I would've hated you."

"Hated me?"

"Yeah because your carried our baby successfully and I lost mine and I didn't want to lose our friendship."

"Somebody still should've said something to me instead of 2 years later."

"I had to go through therapy by myself to heal then myself and Jace had to do therapy together to save our marriage it was a lot going on at the time Kels and I didn't know how to tell you without breaking down I still have my days where I'm not myself."

"I still could've been there for you Meg."

"How when your focus needed to be on being a first time mommy you had enough already on your plate I didn't want to add on to it."

"Please don't let it happen again don't keep anything away from me ever."

"I promise I won't."

"How far along were you?"

"6 weeks I had found out a week prior that I was pregnant then that following week I had a miscarriage Jace rushed me to the hospital the moment I started bleeding but we were too late I had already started the process of miscarrying so I had to get a DNC done and once I came to my OB told me that I had two sacs instead of one."

"You were pregnant with twins?"

"I was."

"I'm so sorry that you went through that Meg."

We hugged and I sniffed.

"I was doing everything right Kels everything right and I lost my babies," I spoke holding back the tears.

"Everything happens for a reason Meg were you and Jace on good terms," Kels spoke.

"No not really and I was stressing but once those tests came back positive I immediately stopped stressing or so I thought."

"I'm sure that you did stop and don't you go thinking and trying to blame yourself about the lost of your babies."

I nodded.

"In due time you and Jace will have the opportunity to be parents again and this time the baby will be a girl cause Kalyan need a bestie."

"Yeah hopefully."

I laid my head on Kels shoulder and let my thoughts consume me. This go around I will not let anything stress me out keeping out all of the negative energy and staying positive and having positive energy. Also I hope that I'm carrying twin girls then I'll be complete knowing Jaceyon he'll want me to have a girl and a boy. Either one is fine with me but I'm hoping and praying that I'm carrying twin girls.

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