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I feel better after my shower so far the contractions have been bearable but I know soon that they'll pick up. Everyone from both sides of the family is downstairs waiting on the arrival of Jaxson. Big mama Helen walked in with a smile she walked over to me and touched my belly. We both bowed our heads and she prayed over me and Jaxson once she finished praying we hugged then she made her way back downstairs.

"Okay Megan let me check you again."

I nodded and walked over to the bed and laid down bending my legs back mama Jordyn checked me.

"You're at 6 centimeters."

"Baby are you getting in the water with me?"

"Yeah when I'm not taking pictures."

The was a knock at the door and Kiana walked in.

"God mommy Ki is here."

I got up from the bed and walked over to her and hugged her.

"How many centimeters are you?"

"6 he'll be here soon."

"Anything I can do?"

"Yes since we got time can you take my hair down."

"Out of the bun?"

"No take the frontal out and take my braids down."

"Alright have a seat."

I sat down in my vanity chair I'm trying to keep myself busy and not think about the pain that's soon to come with the contractions. Jaceyon grabbed his camera and turned it on and started taking pictures of him I made my some funny faces at his camera and he smiled.

"Megan do you want me to start burning the sage?"

"Yes ma'am."

Mama Jordyn nodded she grabbed the sage and her lighter and got started with burning the sage and saying a prayer as she cleansed the room of any negative energy.

"Babe give me your hand."

Jaceyon held out his hand and I grabbed it I started breathing in and out as I had another contraction. I opened my eyes looking at Jaceyon.

"You good?"


I squeezed Jaceyon hand as I had another contraction.


Kiana is now behind the camera while I sway back and forth with Jacyeon as I had another contraction.

"Jayceon it's time to fill up the birthing pool."

"Okay aunt Kenya can you take over for me."


I'm currently 8 centimeters 2 centimeters shy from being 10 and being able to push out Jaxson.

"Are your nerves setting in?"

"Nope I'm just ready to meet him now and hold him I'm pretty sure he's chunky."

"As much as you've been eating I'm sure he's chunky."

I laughed.

"Yeah you right."

"Talk to me Meg."

"Nope I'm not trying to cry."

"Holly may not be here physically but she's here spiritually she's watching over you and will definitely be watching of Jaxson she's your guardian angel."

I nodded and turned towards mama Jordyn.

"I think I gotta push I'm starting to feel a lot of pressure."

"Let me check you Megan."

I nodded and aunt Kenya lead me back over to the bed and I laid on my side to get checked.

I done changed clothes and have Kiana behind the camera catching these moments. Megan came out of her boy shorts and I helped her into the pool and I got in behind her.

"On your next contraction Megan I want you to push down as hard as you can."


Megan grabbed both of hands and squeezed as she pushed and had a contraction.

"You got this babe," I coached in her ear.

"Ohhh," Megan moaned.

"Keep pushing Megan," my mama coached.

Megan continued to push.

"I can't do it I can't do it," Megan cried after 10 minutes of pushing.

"You can baby don't stop pushing."

"That's right Meg Jaxson is almost out okay his head is at the entrance on your next contraction push down as hard as you can and his head will be out."

Megan nodded and started back pushing.

"That's it Megan his head is out keep pushing and the rest of his body will be out as well."

Megan nodded and let out a scream as she continued to push. My mama pulled Jaxson out of the water and placed him on Megan chest and she started crying.

"Congratulations Megan."

"Thank you," she said and sniffed.

My mama then took Jaxson and cleaned up him and weighed him. I got out of the water and went to shower and change so I could hold Jaxson while Megan deliver the after birth.

My shower was quick I came out of the bathroom just as my mama finished up with covering the placenta with herbs and essentials oils so it won't smell and she had it in a small basket she walked over to me with Jaxson and placed him in my arms and I held the basket in the other.

"I'm about to deliver Megan's placenta and let her get cleaned up."


I walked over to the rocking bed and sat down placing the basket next to me.

"Welcome to the world Prince Jaxson Mekhi."

I kissed his forehead.

"You're already loved by both sides of the family and they're all here to meet you."

"Mama how much did Jaxson weigh?"

"7lbs. 08oz. 18 inches long."

"Almost 8lbs."


I nodded and went back to staring at my son I'm really a father I became a daddy when Megan got pregnant but now that I'm holding my son reality is hitting me right now I'm really a father I have someone who is going to be watching my every move. He definitely have Megan's eyebrows and cheeks definitely have my nose and ears as far as his eyes I don't know yet until he open them. Once Megan is cleaned up and she's breastfeeding him I'm going to go downstairs and let everyone know that Jaxson is here then I'm going to allow them up to see him of course everyone is going to have to wash their hands. And there will be no kissing on him at all I don't play that and Megan is definitely not going to allow that to happen.

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